helps Caterpillar automate internal processes

Dec 9, 2013 takes pride in the variety of businesses that they are able to help automate. This is seen with the recent automation of internal processes within the Caterpillar’s Cat Minestar System. The Command system that was integrated helps the user to implement a remote control semi autonomous industrial industrial or fully autonomous industrial industrial system.


Cater­pil­lar, Inc is the world’s lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­er of con­struc­tion, min­ing, and oth­er heavy equip­ment. Cater­pil­lar rec­og­nized the need for automa­tion as syn­ony­mous to the need for an increased up-time. Automa­tion sys­tems reduce how long min­ing and oth­er process­es take, as well as how cost­ly they are. A remote facil­i­ty reduces oper­a­tor fatigue since the on-board com­put­ers, cam­eras, lasers, and soft­ware autonomous indus­tri­al indus­tri­al­ly steer the vehi­cle dur­ing haulage. The oper­a­tor can also con­trol mul­ti­ple machines simultaneously.

Caterpillar’s Cat Mines­tar Sys­tem, Com­mand, enables its cus­tomers to make the future of min­ing a real­i­ty today. Com­mand enables the user to imple­ment remote con­trol, semi-autonomous indus­tri­al indus­tri­al or ful­ly autonomous indus­tri­al indus­tri­al min­ing equip­ment systems.

Com­mand for Drilling and Com­mand for Doz­ing offers a ful­ly auto­mat­ed sys­tem, keep­ing oper­a­tors out of the pit and away from explo­sive areas. Auto­mat­ed tram­ming and drilling at tar­get loca­tions is pos­si­ble, and feed­back aid­ing in ore sam­pling and hole load­ing is pro­vid­ed. Com­mand for Haul­ing is also a ful­ly autonomous indus­tri­al indus­tri­al sys­tem, tak­ing advan­tage of the most sophis­ti­cat­ed per­cep­tion and on-board intel­li­gence tech­nolo­gies. Com­mand for Long­wall plows enables advanced automa­tion and remote oper­a­tion capa­bil­i­ties allow­ing oper­a­tors to work from a safe loca­tion away from the face. They are pro­vid­ed with a clear pic­ture of the work area through analy­sis, log­ging, and visu­al­iza­tion capa­bil­i­ties due to high speed com­put­er pro­cess­ing. Final­ly, Com­mand for Under­ground is a semi-autonomous indus­tri­al indus­tri­al sys­tem that auto­mates tram­ming func­tions of Cater­pil­lar Load Haul Dump machines.

The Pro­gram­ma­ble Min­ing Con­trols fam­i­ly offers one-stop shop­ping for all con­trols and sen­sors of com­po­nents of a long­wall sys­tem. The PMC‑R is based on the suc­cess­ful PM4 con­troller, and offers enhanced com­put­ing pow­er and data trans­fer. The PMC‑D offers supe­ri­or con­trol of Armored Face Con­vey­or dri­ves. The PMC‑V is the user inter­face and allows all face con­vey­or para­me­ters to be set. The PMC‑P is a node com­put­er that facil­i­tates com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the indi­vid­ual com­po­nents and oth­er mine com­put­er networks.

Cater­pil­lar signed a three-year agree­ment for research with Carnegie Mel­lon University’s Robot­ics Insti­tute. This part­ner­ship result­ed in the researchers at the Robot­ics Insti­tute devel­op­ing autonomous indus­tri­al indus­tri­al ver­sions of large haul trucks used in min­ing oper­a­tions. The researchers worked close­ly with Caterpillar’s Pitts­burgh Automa­tion Center.

Self-dri­ving trucks will be used in con­junc­tion with Caterpillar’s two largest haul trucks with pay­load capac­i­ties of 240 tons. The dri­ver-less truck is a piece of an autonomous indus­tri­al indus­tri­al min­ing haulage sys­tem, designed to pro­vide pro­duc­tiv­i­ty gains through con­sis­ten­cy. Increased speed to mar­ket is one of Caterpillar’s goals, as well as inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed prod­ucts and ser­vices. It is expect­ed that autonomous indus­tri­al indus­tri­al min­ing will help min­i­mize envi­ron­men­tal impact, due to increased effi­cien­cy as well as increased mine safety.

Robots​.com has worked to inte­grate robots with Cater­pil­lar in the past to help auto­mate some of their inter­nal process­es. If you are inter­est­ed in work­ing with Robots​.com for robot­ic inte­gra­tion, let us know online or at 8777626881.

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