The Benefits of Motoman Spot Welding Robots

Jan 13, 2014

Spot welding requires a clamp and a weld, making it a very tedious welding process. If your production line is looking for a solution that provides faster spot welding and incredible quality, consider automating with a Motoman spot welding robot.

Motoman spot welding robots

Spot weld­ing can be one of the most tedious forms of man­u­al weld­ing on the mar­ket today. Instead of one steady line, each spot must be clamped and weld­ed. Motoman Robot­ics has sev­er­al spot weld­ing robot mod­els that take the tedi­um out of the man­u­al spot weld­ing process for workers.

One of the biggest ben­e­fits of robot­ic spot weld­ing by Motoman, at least for work­ers, is that the robot does all the heavy lift­ing. Man­u­al spot weld­ing guns tend to be heavy and awk­ward. With the robot car­ry­ing the hefty weld­ing gun, the human welder is left free to pro­gram and oper­ate the robot dur­ing the application.

Anoth­er ben­e­fit that the Motoman robot spot welder pro­vides is the abil­i­ty to accu­rate­ly spot weld leaps and bounds ahead of a man­u­al spot weld­ing sys­tem. Because of the tedious nature of spot weld­ing, human work­ers have to weld, lift their pro­tec­tive hood, check the posi­tion­ing, low­er their hood and weld again. This has to be done after every sin­gle weld spot. For a Motoman spot welder, there is no rea­son to stop. There isn’t any devi­a­tion from their work path, an error that can hap­pen reg­u­lar­ly for a man­u­al welder. Because of this, a spot weld­ing robot from Motoman is also the faster spot weld­ing option for manufacturers.

All in all, spot weld­ing is a tedious and some­times injury-induc­ing appli­ca­tion, due to the weight of the equip­ment need­ed for the job. A robot­ic spot welder from Motoman can out­per­form man­u­al weld­ing, both in speed and pre­ci­sion. This pro­duces a stronger, high­er qual­i­ty weld and a bet­ter over­all product.

Man­u­fac­tur­ers look­ing for an afford­able Motoman robot­ic spot weld­ing sys­tem should look no fur­ther than Robots​.com. Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Motoman Robot­ics, has sev­er­al new and refur­bished robot­ic spot welders avail­able for pur­chase and cus­tomiza­tion. Our staff will work with you to build the best sys­tem to fit your bud­getary and facil­i­ty needs.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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