The New Motoman GP Series- High Speed Material Handling Robots

May 1, 2017

The Motoman GP series includes the GP7, GP8, and GP12 robots. These robots will bring your production line higher speeds and amazing efficiency. The robots offer users a very slim design and flexible mounting options helping to save on your floor space.


Mas­ters at mate­r­i­al han­dling, the Motoman GP series is ready to con­quer your appli­ca­tion and increase your total pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. The robots in this series (GP 7, GP 8, and GP 12) offer high speeds and amaz­ing effi­cien­cy. Addi­tion­al­ly, all of the robots have a com­pact, slim design, a small footprint.

These robots were designed with the cus­tomer in mind; they hon­or your time and also pro­vide you with easy set-up, oper­a­tion, and main­te­nance. In addi­tion, all of the robots in the GP series offer the fol­low­ing characteristics: 

High Speeds:

The new Sig­ma 7 motors built by Yaskawa bring the robot speed to the top of its class. 

Flex­i­ble Mount­ing Options: 

There are ver­sa­tile mount­ing options such as floor, ceil­ing, and wall, pro­vid­ing your appli­ca­tion ulti­mate flexibility.

Reduced Inter­fer­ence Radius: 

The GP series have wrist struc­tures with great envi­ron­ment resis­tance. They can also reach deep into the work space while also being eas­i­ly placed next to oth­er robots. 

The reduced inter­fer­ence radius when the S‑axis is turn­ing is evi­dent when com­par­ing the Motoman MH5(L)S II and the GP7/8. The for­mer mod­el MH5(L)S II has an inter­fer­ence radius of 182 mm. The new GP7 and GP8 have an inter­fer­ence radius of 140 mm.

The reduced inter­fer­ence radius when the wrist is turn­ing is also shown by com­par­ing these mod­els. The for­mer mod­el, Motoman MH5S II, has an inter­fer­ence radius of 73 mm and the new mod­el G7 and G8 has an inter­fer­ence radius of 67 mm.

The wrist struc­ture of R, B, and T axes on the GP12 are IP67-com­pli­ant as a stan­dard spec­i­fi­ca­tion. The wrist strc­ture of S, L, and U axes are IP54-com­pli­ant (option IP65). The GP 12 Min­i­mized inter­fer­ence radius of the wrist MH12 (ear­li­er mod­el) is 136 mm; the GP12 offers 120 mm.

Easy Instal­la­tion:

Instal­la­tion, set-up, and main­te­nance are also a breeze as there is only one cable need­ed to con­nect the manip­u­la­tor and con­troller. This amounts to a more effi­cient instal­la­tion process, over­all oper­a­tion, and main­te­nance of equip­ment. The Motoman GP series robots are paired with the YRC1000 con­troller.

Sim­ple Cleaning: 

Clean­ing and inte­gra­tion will be a breeze with the GP series. They have an easy-to-clean sur­face that is IP67 rat­ed mak­ing them easy to clean, ready for use in harsh envi­ron­ments, and resis­tant to dust and coolants.

Com­pact Design: 

They have the best acces­si­bil­i­ty in their class. These robots have a slim, straight, com­pact, and sym­met­ri­cal arm design that requires min­i­mum instal­la­tion space and min­i­mizes inter­fer­ence with periph­er­al devices, even in small spaces. Addi­tion­al­ly, the manip­u­la­tor cable can be con­nect­ed on the bot­tom, instead of the side, which also helps to reduce inter­fer­ence with walls.

Large Work Envelope: 

The work enve­lope for these robots is large. They have an increased max­i­mum reach and hor­i­zon­tal reach that enables the robots to oper­ate in wider work areas.

Great Ver­sa­til­i­ty:

Addi­tion­al­ly, there are many dif­fer­ent work pieces and grip­pers that can be trans­ferred and mount­ed with 7kg/​8kg pay­loads and 38% greater allow­able moment. The speeds have also increased by 39% on all axes. The acceleration/​deceleration con­trol has been improved to achieve max­i­mum reduc­tion of acceleration/​deceleration times for all robot pos­tures. There is also a data sav­ing fea­ture that replaces the wire har­ness in the robot with­out hav­ing to con­nect to a battery.


Each robot has vary­ing pay­loads and reach­es to best accom­mo­date a vari­ety of indus­tri­al needs. The GP 7 pro­vides 7 kg pay­load and 927 mm reach. The Motoman GP8 offers an 8 kg pay­load and 727 mm reach. The Motoman GP12 is a mate­r­i­al han­dling work­horse! The GP12 is the world’s high­est speed robot in its class. It has an amaz­ing work enve­lope with a 12 kg pay­load and 1440 mm reach. Gives the cus­tomer a slim design, com­pact nature, and abil­i­ty to work close and deep into work spaces.

Watch the Motoman GP8 in action, work­ing incred­i­bly effi­cient­ly at high speeds, in a pol­ish­ing cell! 

Con­tact Robots​.com:

You can now see why you won’t need to look any fur­ther for the per­fect solu­tion to your mate­r­i­al han­dling appli­ca­tion. It reduces the time required for start-up and main­te­nance of equip­ment. The GP-series was designed to enhance effi­cien­cy in instal­la­tion, oper­a­tion, and main­te­nance of equip­ment. It also suc­ceed­ed in glob­al­iz­ing the equip­ment. The GP series was specif­i­cal­ly designed to increase pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, offer the high­est pay­loads, speeds, and wrist allow­able moment in its class. 

You can see that this new Motoman GP-Series is tru­ly a cut­ting-edge robot sys­tem that pro­vides smart solu­tions for pro­duc­tion site issues. These robots are sure to meet the diver­si­fied needs of its cus­tomers with a wide range of func­tions and com­po­nents that boosts over­all pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and work effi­cien­cy. After read­ing all of the amaz­ing attrib­ut­es, it is evi­dent that the GP-series pro­vides the per­fect com­pact solu­tion that offers a total solution.

Call us today at 7502404312, or con­tact us online, so we can dis­cuss how you are going to improve your automa­tion line with one of the robots from the GP series. 

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