The PickMaster, packaging made easy

Oct 27, 2013

PickMaster is a PC-based software that enables graphical interfaces to configure applications for robotic teamwork along conveyor belts. Robots are guided in the packaging process by PickMaster and help to increase the production flexibility and overall success.


Pick Pick­Mas­ter to pack­age the easy way. Pick­Mas­ter is a PC-based soft­ware prod­uct that uses graph­i­cal inter­faces to con­fig­ure appli­ca­tions for robot­ic team­work along con­vey­or belts. Pick­Mas­ter guides robots in the pack­ag­ing process, and it is inte­grat­ed with the IRC5 or S4Cplus robot con­trol systems. 

The end goal of pro­duc­tion is flex­i­bil­i­ty and suc­cess, and Pick­Mas­ter makes this goal pos­si­ble. Vision iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and inspec­tion tools help min­i­mize risks in pro­duc­tion solu­tions. Many process func­tions are pack­aged in the stan­dard soft­ware product.

Both Pick­Mas­ter 3 and Pick­Mas­ter 5 use the same graph­i­cal design con­cept and soft­ware struc­ture. Pick­Mas­ter 3 includes an advanced vision tech­nique, but can also com­mu­ni­cate with exter­nal sen­sors like scan­ners, 3D, etc. Pick­Mas­ter 3 reduces pro­gram­ming time and promis­es high­ly reli­able high-speed pick­ing applications.

Pick­Mas­ter 5 suc­ceeds ABBs Flex­Pal­letiz­er sys­tem. It is the soft­ware for pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions, com­bin­ing expe­ri­ence with mod­ern flex­i­ble soft­ware for pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions. No robot pro­gram­ming is required, and late changes in the appli­ca­tion do not cre­ate prob­lems due to the design of the software.

The Flex­Pick­er sys­tem com­bines Pick­Mas­ter soft­ware and a vision sys­tem with the IRB 340 robot and con­troller. The advan­tages of this sys­tem are a sin­gle inter­face for the com­plete sys­tem, along with a mod­u­lar con­cept and off-line configuration.

Robots​.com has a wide assort­ment of ABB pal­letiz­ing and pick­ing robots that can uti­lize Pick­Mas­ter soft­ware. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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