What are PLC Panel View and HMI Interfaces for Robots?

Apr 18, 2017

A PLC, or Programmable Logic Controller, is a small digital computer that controls the input and output positions to make sure the parts of the robot work together. An HMI, or human machine interface, is connected to the PLC. If you are interested in learning more about PLCs or HMIs, contact Robots.com representatives today.


The stan­dard sys­tem for automation

A human-machine inter­face (HMI) con­nects to a sep­a­rate pro­gram­ma­ble log­ic con­troller (PLC). These sys­tems have been in place for decades among the indus­tri­al automa­tion com­mu­ni­ty. They help the user keep track of their robot sys­tem with a PLC pan­el view or HMI inter­face. These oper­a­tor devices are designed to mon­i­tor and con­trol the sys­tem. Oper­a­tors can tell the sys­tem’s sta­tus, adjust appli­ca­tion para­me­ters, and input and out­put posi­tions, or run mas­ter programs.

Pro­gram­ma­ble Log­ic Con­troller (PLC)

PLCs are small dig­i­tal com­put­ers that con­trol input and out­put posi­tions to make sure every com­po­nent in the robot sys­tem such as periph­er­als, robot, turntable, etc., work togeth­er in harmony. 

Human-machine inter­face (HMI)

An HMI is the con­troller oper­at­ing pan­el that con­sists of a numer­ic key­pad to input data and a con­trol screen. HMI oper­a­tor con­trol sta­tions are used for pro­gram­ming and data gath­er­ing. HMI inter­faces allow com­pa­nies to run mas­ter pro­grams and con­trol input/​output positions. 

Tech­nol­o­gy is rapid­ly advanc­ing and more com­bined HMI/PLC units, with an all-in-one touch­screen and log­ic con­troller, are being used. 

The com­bi­na­tion of a PLC and HMI sys­tem is becom­ing more pop­u­lar and read­i­ly avail­able as hard­ware and soft­ware tech­nol­o­gy con­tin­ues to rapid­ly advance. All of the com­po­nents of the con­trol sys­tem are rapid­ly evolv­ing to the point of greater func­tion­al­i­ty where a com­bined device is a com­pelling alternative.

Ben­e­fits of a com­bined system

HMI-PLC com­bined tech­nol­o­gy is becom­ing a more pop­u­lar alter­na­tive as it is low­er in cost, caus­ing the reduc­tion of equip­ment, while also eas­ing sys­tem func­tion­al­i­ty. The intel­li­gence of tech­nol­o­gy is sky­rock­et­ing at expo­nen­tial rates which is enabling indus­tri­al net­work­ing mechan­ics to inter­face at a more advanced and remote lev­el. In addi­tion, the com­bined units take up less space, min­i­mize wiring, uti­lize a sin­gle pow­er source, and only require one net­work connection. 

Ben­e­fits of a sep­a­rate system

Right now, sep­a­rate sys­tems do allow the selec­tion of a broad­er range of proces­sors and enhanced mem­o­ry capac­i­ties. This sep­a­rate sys­tem is also avail­able for safe­ty appli­ca­tions. Addi­tion­al­ly, the motion con­trol and com­mu­ni­ca­tions are more exten­sive than a com­bined unit. The I/O count and Ana­log I/O are also more abundant. 

Con­tact Robots​.com

Regard­less of the sys­tem you choose for your automa­tion inte­gra­tion, all of the com­po­nents (whether com­bined or sep­a­rate) are built to last and work excep­tion­al­ly well togeth­er. Robots​.com will help you find the right PLC and/​or HMI inter­face to sup­port your robot sys­tem. Con­tact our experts for more details at 8777626881 or sub­mit our con­tact form.

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