ArcWorld IV-6200SL: New Motoman Workcell

Dec 30, 2009

Saving you space and time while also providing increased efficiency is the Motoman ArcWorld IV-6200SL. This is the "slim line" welding system that has a compact footprint and unique trunnion positioners: MRM2-250M3XSL and MRM2-7503XSL. Contact experts today to start the integration of the ArcWorld IV by Motoman.


Intro­duc­ing robot­ic work­cells with trim waistlines.

Motomans new Arc­World IV-6200SL slim line” weld­ing sys­tems save space and time while increas­ing efficiency.

Posi­tion­er on a Diet:

These work­cells achieve a com­pact foot­print with unique trun­nion posi­tion­ers. The MRM2-250M3XSL and MRM2-7503XSL posi­tion­ers are just one meter larg­er than the fixtures.

The new Motoman work­cell posi­tion­ers are avail­able with either 250kg or 750kg pay­loads. They take only sec­onds to spin — 1.75 sec. and 2.5 sec. — mak­ing for speedy cycle times. Anoth­er speed-enhanc­ing fea­ture about the slim line posi­tion­ers has to do with ser­vo motor dri­ves. Inde­pen­dent dri­ves in each of the three posi­tion­er axes allow for simul­ta­ne­ous move­ment — equal­ing even faster throughput.

Robot Mag­ic:

Each of the slim line” weld­ing sys­tems fea­tures two MA 1400 Mas­ter Arc” robots. These pre­ci­sion-dri­ven weld­ing robots offer expert weld­ing, speedy move­ment, 3kg pay­loads, and flex­i­ble work envelopes.

Slim Jim:

Anoth­er unique fea­ture — the cells can be ser­viced from the front, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to install slim line sys­tems right next to one another.

All the Whis­tles and Bells:

Both Arc­World IV-6200SL sys­tems meet all safe­ty require­ments and include a full weld­ing pack­age and oper­a­tor sta­tion.

Inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a robot­ic weld­ing sys­tem? Con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881 for more information.

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