ATI Robotic Tool Changer Adds Flexibility

Feb 9, 2010

The ATI Robotic Tool Changer helps to bring a faster and more flexible robot system. ATI's QC-40 is pneumatically powered and can handle payloads up to 50 kg. The Tool Changer helped to provide the perfect solution for the customer.


A robot­ic tool chang­er from ATI Indus­tri­al Automa­tion aid­ed Robots​.com in build­ing a faster, more flex­i­ble robot system. 

The cus­tomer, a man­u­fac­tur­er of spe­cial­ty fas­ten­ers, need­ed a robot sys­tem to pick and place round bar stock rang­ing in diam­e­ter from 14″ to 2 12″.

To accom­mo­date the dif­fer­ent part sizes, Robots​.com’ recon­di­tioned Fanuc M‑710i RJ2 robot had to use two grip­pers — one small­er, one larg­er. ATI’s stur­dy QC-40 tool chang­er proved the per­fect solu­tion.

The QC-40 robot­ic tool chang­er made the process of switch­ing EOAT quick and smooth. It is designed with two inter­lock­ing parts: a mas­ter side mount­ed direct­ly to the M‑710i robot, and a tool side mount­ed to the EOAT.

Equipped with the QC-40, Robots​.com’ robot sys­tem achieved faster cycle speeds and through­put. There was no need to stop the sys­tem and man­u­al­ly change the grip­per, so the sys­tem saved time and labor. 

ATI’s tool chang­er is pneu­mat­i­cal­ly pow­ered and con­struct­ed for pay­loads up to 50kg. Made to with­stand wear and tear of the man­u­fac­tur­ing set­ting, every com­po­nent of its lock­ing mech­a­nism is fash­ioned from Rc58 stain­less steel. Even the bush­ings sur­round­ing the pneu­mat­ic pass are built to last. The ten meter cable direct­ing air to the chang­er is high-flex.

Inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about a sys­tem using robot­ic tool chang­ers? Con­tact Robots​.com experts online or at 8777626881.

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