Finding Value in Used Robotic Equipment

Sep 1, 2008

Many businesses and shops have found that purchasing refurbished robots and robot equipment provides the same benefits at a fraction of the cost. takes pride in their refurbishment process and brings robots back to like new condition after their rigorous reconditioning and testing. ​The low initial costs of refurbished robotic systems leads to a very fast ROI.


Buy­ing refur­bished robots and refur­bished robot­ic equip­ment has become com­mon prac­tice for many busi­ness­es and shops. It’s easy to under­stand why – buy­ing refur­bished robots and equip­ment offers a num­ber of advan­tages over buy­ing new mod­els. Robots​.com under­stands these advan­tages and is able to pass them on to costumers.

Most obvi­ous­ly, buy­ing refur­bished robots and refur­bished robot­ic equip­ment is more afford­able. Robots​.com sells refur­bished robots for 60% less than the pur­chase price of a new robot. This low ini­tial cost leads to a great return on invest­ment for the com­pa­nies buy­ing these refur­bished robots. In fact, because refur­bished robots can be pur­chased rel­a­tive­ly inex­pen­sive­ly, many com­pa­nies have been able to ven­ture into automa­tion for the first time. When con­sid­er­ing mov­ing to automa­tion, com­pa­nies must con­sid­er not only the ini­tial pur­chase price, but also the cost of upkeep. This is anoth­er area where refur­bished robots have the upper hand. When parts need to be fixed or replaced there is a larg­er sup­ply of used parts than new parts. Also, com­pa­nies are not forced to buy direct­ly from the man­u­fac­tur­er when it comes to buy­ing the parts – they are able to shop around and find the low­est cost.

Used robots and refur­bished robot­ic equip­ment offer buy­ers the free­dom to search sev­er­al man­u­fac­tur­ing brands. Robots​.com sells refur­bished robots and parts from an assort­ment of man­u­fac­tur­ers includ­ing Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and many more. Also, because the refur­bished robot maket does not lim­it itself to any spe­cif­ic year or robot gen­er­a­tion, buy­ers are able to find exact­ly what they need, apart from cur­rent trends. 

Any hes­i­ta­tion over pur­chas­ing a refur­bished robot is eas­i­ly dis­missed when the buy­er under­stands the process each refur­bished robot goes through before it is sold. Every robot is ful­ly inspect­ed, reworked, and test­ed for repeata­bil­i­ty and performance. 

Con­tact Robots​.com today if you are inter­est­ed in buy­ing a refur­bished robot at 8777626881.

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