Four Reasons to Choose Automated Pipe Welding with Robots

Feb 15, 2016

Automating your pipe welding production line will ensure an increased productivity, versatility, and overall better quality product. Robotic tube and automated pipe welding are rising in popularity and being seen on production lines across the globe. The new technologies, sensors, through-the-arc tracking, and off-line programming options are all ways to bring incredible advancements to your manufacturing line.


Robot­ic tube and auto­mat­ed pipe weld­ing con­tin­ue to grow in pop­u­lar­i­ty. Take a quick look at the main rea­sons why:

1. New Technologies: 

Weld­ing awk­ward­ly-shaped pip­ing and tub­ing can prove very dif­fi­cult, even for a robot­ic welder. But recent devel­op­ments in robot­ic tech­nolo­gies have paved the way for sophis­ti­cat­ed robot­ic pipe weld­ing solu­tions. Some of the lat­est enhance­ments include:

Sen­sors: When equipped with var­i­ous sens­ing sys­tems, a pipe weld­ing robot can actu­al­ly feel” where a weld should be. For instance, tac­tile and prox­im­i­ty sen­sors can work togeth­er to locate and posi­tion a torch cor­rect­ly. This is an ide­al sys­tem for small-batch pipe and tube welding.

Through-the-Arc Track­ing: With through-the-arc track­ing, the begin­ning and end of a weld­ment can be inputted and the robot will trace the path in between. This saves time and increas­es the weld accu­ra­cy of arc weld­ing applications.

Off-line Pro­gram­ming: New off-line pro­gram­ming soft­ware leads to high­er-qual­i­ty pipe and tube weld­ing and effi­cien­cy. Pro­gram­ming does­n’t have to lead to addi­tion­al sys­tem down time. Instead, all the unique angles, diam­e­ters, and curves can be care­ful­ly pro­grammed through com­put­er soft­ware. Such off-line pro­gram­ming also allows pro­gram­mers to test out var­i­ous weld setups.

2. Flex­i­bil­i­ty:

Robot­ic arms offer unmatched dex­ter­i­ty and reach. While man­u­al pipe and tube weld­ing often requires fre­quent stops and starts for re-posi­tion­ing the torch, robots can realign with­out paus­ing. Hard-to-reach angles and orbital welds are also less tax­ing for indus­tri­al robots.

3. Weld Quality:

Robots are able to per­form top qual­i­ty welds with high­er depo­si­tion lev­els and con­sis­ten­cy, even at awk­ward angles. With robot­ic pipe and tube weld­ing the ther­mal impact is reduced as well, min­i­miz­ing dis­tor­tion and the need for lat­er corrections.

4. Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty:

Sim­ply put, robot­ic pipe and tube weld­ing is more reli­able. With ful­ly auto­mat­ed or even hybrid robot and man­u­al pipe weld­ing, there are few­er mis­takes and defects. This in turn saves time and mate­ri­als. Auto­mat­ed weld­ing robots pro­duce con­sis­tent pipe weld qual­i­ty and through­put every time.

Inter­est­ed in automat­ing your pipe or tube weld­ing appli­ca­tion? Call Robots​.com to find out if robot­ic weld­ing automa­tion fits your needs: 8777626881 or con­tact experts online.

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