High-Accuracy Kuka Robots for Machining and More!

Mar 6, 2011

High-accuracy (HA) KUKA robots are the perfect solution for machining, laser cutting, and other continuous-path applications that require incredibly precise and reliable performance. The KUKA high-accuracy series offer the necessary precision, repeatability, and quick movements that production lines are seeking for improved throughput.


Machin­ing, laser cut­ting, and oth­er con­tin­u­ous-path appli­ca­tions require robot­ic solu­tions capa­ble of incred­i­bly pre­cise and reli­able per­for­mance. When a mar­gin for error sim­ply does­n’t exist, the high accu­ra­cy (HA) robot series from KUKA Robot­ics is designed to meet the challenges.

Enhanced Repeata­bil­i­ty:
Repeata­bil­i­ty and pre­ci­sion work are inex­tri­ca­bly linked. The KUKA Robot­ics high-accu­ra­cy robots pro­vide excep­tion­al pre­ci­sion per­for­mance because they’re capa­ble of excep­tion­al lin­ear and point repeata­bil­i­ty. All three offer repeata­bil­i­ty of +/-0.05mm or less.

Flex­i­ble, Quick Move­ment:
Kuka High Accu­ra­cy robots are engi­neered to move effi­cient­ly and quick­ly. The axes and dri­ves in their wrists allow KUKA’s high-accu­ra­cy robots to move twice as fast as stan­dard robot mod­els. The advanced KUKA KR C2 pro­vides con­trol.

KUKA HA Robot Basics:
The high-accu­ra­cy robot series is made up of three dis­tinct 6‑axis mod­els, the KR 30 HA, KR 60 HA, and KR 100 HA. Four arm exten­sion options pro­vide even more alter­na­tives. The KUKA Robot­ics HA robots offer pay­loads of 30kg, 60kg, and 100kg. Max­i­mum reach mea­sure­ments range from 2,033mm up to 3,000mm.

Appli­ca­tion Ver­sa­til­i­ty:
High-accu­ra­cy robots from KUKA Robot­ics are ide­al for machin­ing, laser, water­jet, assem­bly, and inspec­tion applications.

For more infor­ma­tion about the KUKA high-accu­ra­cy robot series, con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881 or get in touch with rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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