Lincoln Electric Power Supplies for Welding Robots

Oct 7, 2010

Power sources have a huge part in the success of a robotic welding application. Lincoln Electric provides a variety of options such as the Power Wave i400, PowerWave 455M Robotic, PowerWave 455M/STT Robotic, and PowerWave 655 Robotic.These power sources help to run the robotic application and bring an increase to the overall productivity on the production line.


The suc­cess of robot­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tions does not rely sole­ly on the robot. Oth­er work­cell com­po­nents have a vital role to play in con­tribut­ing to and con­trol­ling the final weld­ing results. Pow­er sources are a prime example.

Lin­coln Elec­tric has cre­at­ed four pow­er sources capa­ble of inte­grat­ing with robot­ic sys­tems: Pow­er Wave i400, Pow­er­Wave 455M Robot­ic, Pow­er­Wave 455M/STT Robot­ic, and Pow­er­Wave 655 Robotic.

Find out just how smart robot­ic weld­ing com­po­nents have become and how much con­trol oper­a­tors can have on the robot­ic weld­ing process.

Wave­form Control

All four Lin­coln Elec­tric pow­er sources come with Wave­form Con­trol Tech­nol­o­gy. This tool makes it pos­si­ble to fine tune your wave­form — mak­ing sure it fits the spe­cif­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tion, wire type and dimen­sions, and shield­ing gas. The trav­el speed, shape of the weld­ing bead, even the pen­e­tra­tion and appear­ance can all be spec­i­fied and adjust­ed so your weld­ing robot pro­vides the best pos­si­ble performance.

You can pro­gram every­thing on your own or choose from over 60 dif­fer­ent pro­gram vari­a­tions. As always, the focus is on the end result, and Wave­form Con­trol Tech­nol­o­gy allows you to per­fect the final weld qual­i­ty with pre­ci­sion and ease.

Appli­ca­tion Versatility:

Whether you need a pow­er source for MIG, Pulsed-MIG, Flux-Cored, Met­al-Cored, or Tan­dem MIG appli­ca­tions, you’ll find your solu­tion among these four Lin­coln Elec­tric pow­er sources.

The Pow­er­Wave 455M/STT Robot­ic pow­er source is ide­al for more finicky appli­ca­tions and soft­er mate­ri­als. The Sur­face Ten­sion Trans­fer (STT) Process keeps heat input, spat­ter and fumes to a min­i­mum while achiev­ing the opti­mal weld per­for­mance. On the oth­er hand, the Pow­er­Wave 655 pow­er source is well-suit­ed for robot­ic weld­ing dense, thick materials.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is Critical:

Lin­coln Elec­tric robot­ic weld­ing pow­er sources inter­face dig­i­tal­ly with robot­ic con­trollers and oth­er per­ti­nent work­cell com­po­nents using ArcLink technology.

Ease of Use:

The Pow­er­Wave robot­ic weld­ing solu­tions are mod­u­lar, mean­ing they can work with dif­fer­ent types of machines, not just robot­ic ones. They are also com­pact, mak­ing it easy to inte­grate them into tight work­cell con­fig­u­ra­tions. Last, Lin­coln Elec­tric makes sure each of its pow­er sources are main­te­nance friendly.

Inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a Lin­coln Elec­tric robot­ic pow­er source for your weld­ing robot? Con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives online or at 8777626881.

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