MotoSight 3D CanonVision Enhances Part Picking

Dec 8, 2016

Integrating a vision system onto your production line will provide an even more precise solution to bring a more consistent, top quality product. This is seen with Motoman's MotoSight 3D CanonVision, a hardware and software solution that uses a single 3D Vision head to quickly recognize parts. The entire system is easy to set up, program, and use, bringing a quicker time to market solution.


Moto­Sight 3D Canon­Vi­sion is a hard­ware and soft­ware solu­tion that uses a sin­gle 3D Vision head. It is designed to quick­ly and eas­i­ly rec­og­nize parts that are ran­dom­ly placed in bins. 

It has a very sim­ple set­up, mak­ing it easy to use. The 3D CAD files are loaded to con­duct part train­ing. The part loca­tion and ori­en­ta­tion data is trans­ferred to the DX200 robot con­troller via Eth­er­net, and then it is in the system’s hand to choose the best solu­tion. 3D CAD Match­ing ulti­mate­ly pro­vides a sim­pli­fied and accu­rate part reg­is­tra­tion, allow­ing even com­pli­cat­ed parts to be identified.

Canon­Vi­sion is also super flex­i­ble as it can accom­mo­date a vari­ety of bin sizes. The user can also quick­ly and eas­i­ly add or change parts as there are up to 200 part mod­els sup­port­ed with this soft­ware. Sin­gle-step recog­ni­tion and pick­ing of ran­dom­ly placed parts is able to reduce imple­men­ta­tion time. This also means that pro­gram­ming is not required for part recog­ni­tion, reduc­ing the cycle time and need for mul­ti­ple cameras.

This sys­tem uses a high-per­for­mance a high per­for­mance Canon cam­era which used pro­ject­ed light pat­terns to locate the parts. Sin­gle step recog­ni­tion reduces the need for mul­ti­ple cam­eras. Each mod­el includes advanced graph­ics recog­ni­tion tech­nol­o­gy, auto­mat­ic adjust­ments for qual­i­ty improve­ment, and inte­grat­ed lighting.

There are three cam­era mod­els avail­able to choose from:

The RV300 :

Max. bin size: 340 mm x 340 mm x 100 mm

Min. part size: 10 mm x 10 mm

Focal range: 500 mm x 600 mm

The RV500:

Max. bin size: 540 mm x 540 mm x 200 mm

Min. part size: 20 mm x 20 mm

Focal range: 800 mm x 1000 mm

The RV1100:

Max. bin size: 1160 mm x 1160 mm x 600 mm

Min. part size: 45 mm x 45 mm

Focal range: 1750 mm x 2350 mm

The entire 3D Canon Vision pack­age includes a Canon cam­era, inter­face soft­ware for easy inte­gra­tion for Motoman robots, rack-mount­ed graph­ics work­sta­tion, cal­i­bra­tion tar­get, auto­mat­ic bin loca­tor, and emp­ty bin detectors.

Oth­er options avail­able for this sys­tem include:

  • A Slid­er Mount­ing Sup­port to help the cam­era cam­era to move over sec­ond bin.
  • An Exter­nal Dic­tio­nary Cre­ation to help use non-pro­duc­tion PC and cre­ate a recog­ni­tion dictionary.
  • A Batch Recog­ni­tion for appli­ca­tions requir­ing mul­ti-sec­tion bins.
  • A Con­sec­u­tive Recog­ni­tion Check­ing to pro­vide the abil­i­ty to make mul­ti­ple item picks from a sin­gle image.
  • A Par­tial Work Recog­ni­tion to allow part recog­ni­tion and ori­en­ta­tion from a par­tial image.

A few things to note about this pack­age: A DX200 con­troller is required. Also, the instal­la­tion does require cus­tomer-sup­plied mount­ing fix­tures. Also, in order for suc­cess­ful oper­a­tion, parts are required to have good dis­tin­guish­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics (> 3 mm) for prop­er ori­en­ta­tion recog­ni­tion. Fur­ther­more, char­ac­ter­is­tics such as col­or, tex­ture and translu­cen­cy aids part iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, so if your parts have min­i­mal phys­i­cal dis­tinc­tion, are deformable, soft, translu­cent, or pack­aged, then this solu­tion is not recommended.

If you are inter­est­ed in get­ting Moto­Sight 3D Canon­Vi­sion on your pro­duc­tion line, con­tact Robots​.com experts today! They are ready to dis­cuss all of your options online or by phone at 8777626881.

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