Off-Line Robot Programming: MotoSim EG

Apr 5, 2009

The MotoSim EG software helps to visualize, test, and program your robotic system directly from your PC. This helps manufacturers save time and expense by working out the kinks virtually and not on the shop floor. ​Introducing the new and improved MotoSim EG (Motoman Simulation System with Enhanced Graphics). There are three different versions of Motosim EG available so contact representatives today to see which one is right for your production line.


Intro­duc­ing the new and improved Moto­Sim EG (Motoman Simula­tion Sys­tem with Enhanced Graph­ics). Now it’s even eas­i­er to visu­al­ize, test, and pro­gram your robot­ic sys­tem straight from your PC. With the Moto­Sim EG, you can save time and expense by work­ing out the kinks vir­tu­al­ly, not on your shop floor.

The Moto­Sim EG is avail­able in three dif­fer­ent ver­sions. First, the Moto­Sim EG View­er pack­age allows users to review and play back sim­u­la­tions. These unique fea­tures allow the sim­u­la­tions to be shared with cowork­ers and cus­tomers. The sec­ond pack­age, Moto­Sim EG Lite, is a stream­lined ver­sion that cov­ers cycle cal­cu­la­tions, col­li­sion detec­tion, and reach analy­sis (no new sys­tem lay­outs). Third, the Moto­Sim EG stan­dard pack­age allows the user to sim­u­late pro­gram off-line, work with CAD files and add sys­tem lay­outs.

The Moto­Sim EG is com­pat­i­ble with most of the Motoman con­trollers, includ­ing the MRC, XRC, and ERC.

Inter­est­ed in a Moto­Sim EG or anoth­er pro­gram­ming sys­tem? Con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881 or online for more information. 

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