Pre-owned Robots Offer Reliability, Savings

Dec 16, 2008 takes pride in their refurbishment process as they carefully select each pre-owned robot and then put it through a rigorous reconditioning treatment. There are a variety of refurbished robot options from Motoman, Fanuc, ABB, KUKA, and Universal Robots. Each refurbished robot can save customers up to 60% while providing the same improved efficiency and top quality product.


Robots​.com’ pre­owned robots are far from hand-me-downs. We keep stan­dards high; each robot mod­el is care­ful­ly select­ed, then reconditioned.

Price: The best part about Robots​.com’ pre-owned robots is the price tag. Cus­tomers save up to 60% when they pur­chase a recon­di­tioned mod­el. If a cus­tomer finds a bet­ter deal else­where, we’ll beat the oth­er price by 10%.

Selec­tiv­i­ty: Pre-owned robots come from a vari­ety of sources. Many times the mod­els we pur­chase have only been gen­tly used. Some­times robots have spent the major­i­ty of their time in stor­age. Robots​.com inven­to­ry includes pre­owned robots from a vari­ety of man­u­fac­tur­ers: Motoman, Fanuc, ABB, KUKA, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and others.

Recon­di­tion­ing: Once a pre­owned robot arrives in our shop, it under­goes a com­plete over­haul before it is deemed ready for sale. Our recon­di­tion­ing process returns pre­owned robots to fac­to­ry con­di­tion. The entire sys­tem (manip­u­la­tor, con­troller, teach pen­dant) is thor­ough­ly inspect­ed and test­ed. We clean and repaint sur­faces and replace parts.

Inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about pre-owned robots? Con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881 or con­tact rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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