Robots for Injection Molding Applications

Jul 29, 2010

Robotic injection molding provides optimal solutions for manufacturers with the versatility they offer on the production line. Injection molding robots can be rail mounted, offer a variety of axial positions, and dual arm solution options. Injection molding machines and rail-mounted robots take up less space while also covering a larger distance quickly and effectively.


When it comes to engi­neer­ing the right robot­ic solu­tion for injec­tion mold­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ers can get cre­ative with their rail­ing-mount­ing, axis posi­tions, and/​or dual arms solu­tion options.


Rail-mount­ed robots and injec­tion mold­ing machines are a win­ning com­bi­na­tion. Robots that are attached to rails take up less room and can cov­er large dis­tances very effec­tive­ly and quick­ly. Their expand­able range is help­ful when it comes to load­ing and unload­ing parts to and from the injec­tion mold­ing machine and oth­er con­vey­ors, etc.

Fanuc and KUKA have cre­at­ed a selec­tion of rail-mount­ed robots that work very well with injec­tion mold­ing machines. They include the M16iB/​20T, M‑710iC/​T, SR Mate 200i, as well as the R‑2000iB/​200T. KUKA’s Jet series (KR 30 jet and KR 60 jet) pro­vides rail-mount­ed flex­i­bil­i­ty for this application. 

Axis Two

Many robots for injec­tion mold­ing appli­ca­tions fea­ture mod­i­fi­ca­tions to the stan­dard 6‑axis struc­ture, name­ly the robot is posi­tioned low­er and the sec­ond axis is moved for­ward. This gives the robots a deep­er work enve­lope, per­fect for injec­tion mold machine tend­ing.

The Motoman EPH press series, KUKA shelf-mount­ed KS and K series, as well as ABB’s IRB 1600, IRB 4400, and IRB 6650 robots pro­vide excep­tion­al flex­i­bil­i­ty thanks to altered 6‑axis design.


Anoth­er robot alter­na­tive for tend­ing injec­tion mold­ing appli­ca­tions is a Motoman dual arm robot. Unique­ly designed, dual-arm robots pro­vide 15 axes of move­ment, excep­tion­al part acces­si­bil­i­ty, and speed. Motoman’s dual-arm robots include the DA9iC, SDA10D and SDA20D.

Inter­est­ed in a robot­ic injec­tion mold­ing solu­tion? Con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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