Sealing with Industrial Robots

Mar 18, 2009

Sealing applications are now being accomplished more efficiently and with increased detail after the integration of industrial robots. Sealing robots are able to tackle a variety of challenges while also working 24/7 without needing breaks or vacations. Across the globe, sealing robots are being integrated onto production lines and bringing greater overall productivity.


A mul­ti­tude of parts require seal­ing. When done by hand, the job can be repet­i­tive, haz­ardous, and require extreme detail, time and atten­tion. Today, more and more seal­ing jobs are han­dled by robots. Seal­ing robots eas­i­ly over­come a num­ber of chal­lenges as they are accu­rate, tire­less, and flex­i­ble. These robots are con­sid­er­ably chang­ing the seal­ing world. 

Advan­tages to Seal­ing Robots:

Qual­i­ty: When it comes to seal­ing, robots offer con­sis­ten­cy and excel­lent repeata­bil­i­ty. Robots are designed with appli­ca­tion para­me­ters: air assist, speed, antic­i­pa­tions, atom­iza­tion, etc. They can be pro­grammed to dras­ti­cal­ly improve the prod­uct and raise standards. 

Sav­ings: Man­u­al weld­ing can involve a lot of over-appli­ca­tion, which in turn wastes mate­r­i­al and requires more clean-up. With robots, this waste is elim­i­nat­ed. Plus, the entire seal­ing process is accom­plished faster. 

Health: Seal­ing work­ers can suf­fer from repet­i­tive stress injury or risk expo­sure to unhealthy sub­stances like PVC. Robots are able to per­form seal­ing appli­ca­tion with­out any dan­ger. This allows com­pa­nies to reor­ga­nize their work­force too — mov­ing seal­ing work­ers to more advanced and chal­leng­ing job posts.

Robots​.com has an exten­sive inven­to­ry of new and used seal­ing robots. All of our refur­bished seal­ing robots go through an intense refur­bish­ment process. Con­tact Robots​.com for more infor­ma­tion online or at 8777626881.

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