The National Robotics Challenge

Feb 18, 2018

The National Robotics Challenge is a fun way to introduce the young and the old to the robotics world. Offering a competition to help with motivation, the NRC will meet in Marion, Ohio in April, and help to network and inspire students in 6th grade up to graduate school. is proud to be a sponsor of this event and further help educate the up and coming generation.

One of the twelve con­tests put on by the Nation­al Robot­ics Chal­lenge is going to be held in Robots​.com’ home­town of Mar­i­on, Ohio! From April 12 – 14, 2018, at the Mar­i­on Coun­ty Fair­grounds, future inven­tors and engi­neers will bring their best automa­tion game to this grand event. 

National Robot Competition

The Nation­al Robot­ics Chal­lenge was cre­at­ed to inspire and encour­age the upcom­ing gen­er­a­tion about the pow­er, mar­vel, and impor­tance of robot­ics in our future. It began in 1986 and has since com­mit­ted to intro­duc­ing robot­ics and build­ing the pipeline for future inno­va­tors and engi­neers from 6th grade to grad­u­ate school. This range of ages allows the annu­al atten­dees to con­tin­ue learn­ing from both the young and the old. It also helps to moti­vate and encour­age those first enter­ing the robot­ics world by net­work­ing with stu­dents at the next level.

Fur­ther­more, the NRC com­pe­ti­tion is afford­able as the entry fees are low. It also rein­forces inge­nu­ity as there is no offi­cial kit to buy. This allows more mon­ey to be spent on spe­cif­ic mate­ri­als or nec­es­sary equip­ment to build robots. The Nation­al Robot­ics Chal­lenge was cre­at­ed under the belief that engi­neer­ing is about find­ing the per­fect mate­ri­als and equip­ment best fit for the prob­lem you are giv­en instead of re-arrang­ing the same parts that every­one has to buy. This ethos has served the robot­ics com­mu­ni­ty well, pro­vid­ing encour­age­ment and recog­ni­tion for out­stand­ing and unique robot­ic creations. 

Indus­tri­al robots are con­tin­u­ing to change the man­u­fac­tur­ing envi­ron­ment across the globe. With this change comes the need for robot­ic jobs such as engi­neers, sys­tem main­te­nance, com­put­er pro­gram­mers, and more. It is the hope of the Nation­al Robot­ics Chal­lenge and those at Robots​.com, that any expo­sure to robot­ics will help bring a desire to get involved in this quick­ly grow­ing industry. 

Robots​.com loves what the Nation­al Robot­ics Chal­lenge is doing to teach and expose robot­ics to the future gen­er­a­tion. For this rea­son, Robots​.com is proud to be a Sus­tain­ing Part­ner with the Nation­al Robot­ics Challenge. 

The staff at Robots​.com work hard to con­tribute in ways that encour­age an inspi­ra­tional future filled with automa­tion in the quick­ly evolv­ing man­u­al to automa­tion man­u­fac­tur­ing envi­ron­ment. To fur­ther reflect our pride in the com­mu­ni­ty and in automa­tion, the staff and vol­un­teers from Robots​.com are offer­ing an After Hours Open House for peo­ple of all ages to come and tour the facil­i­ty. Robots​.com is full of robot­ic exhibits, engi­neers, and more! This open house will fur­ther pro­vide a great per­spec­tive on just how broad indus­tri­al robot careers can go. Come on in and dive deep­er into the robot­ics world-We look for­ward to see­ing you there!

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881 or reach rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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