Topsy Turvy: Invert Mounted Robots

Mar 18, 2010

Some industrial robots are capable of being installed upside down.Inverted mounted robots offer a wide range of benefits to manufacturers, including the ability to reach different places than a floor mounted robot. Contact experts today for any answers to questions you may have about inverted mounted robots.


Invert-mount­ing a robot offers many ben­e­fits. If you are con­sid­er­ing this option, here’s what you need to know. 

A robot does not have to be gantry styled to work from above. Many, although not all, stan­dard indus­tri­al robot mod­els are capa­ble of being installed upside down.

The Mechan­ics:

Invert­ed robots must be secured to a sur­face (prefer­ably a steel plate). This plat­form will have to be able to han­dle the weight of the robot plus any iner­tia cre­at­ed when the robot moves. A sol­id, sub­stan­tial plat­form is required to main­tain repeata­bil­i­ty. Spe­cif­ic require­ments vary by mod­el. Please con­sult the appro­pri­ate robot literature.

Advan­tages of Invert­ed Mount Robots:

Acces­si­bil­i­ty: Invert-mount robots pro­vide bet­ter acces­si­bil­i­ty to large and hard to reach parts. They are ide­al for machine tend­ing appli­ca­tions in particular.

Foot­print: Robots hung from above save floor­space. Con­dense the over­all foot­print of your work­cell with an invert-mount robot. 

Main­te­nance: Main­tain­ing machines, posi­tion­ers, and con­vey­ors is less of a has­sle with the robot up and out of the way. 

A Few Changes with Invert-Mount Robots

Func­tion­al­i­ty: In gen­er­al, robot func­tion­al­i­ty is unal­tered by invert­ed mount­ing. How­ev­er, keep in might that depend­ing on where you’re installing your invert mount robot, some axes of move­ment may be lim­it­ed and the avail­able pay­load may be slight­ly altered. 

Pre­ven­tive Main­te­nance: It’s impor­tant to remem­ber that greas­ing an invert mount indus­tri­al robot is reversed. Switch label­ing so your grease input loca­tion is oppo­site (in is out, out is in).

Con­tact Robots​.com experts online or at 8777626881 for pric­ing and availability.

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