Used Robots and the Economy

Mar 3, 2009 experts are proud to offer users hand selected used systems that they bring back to their facility and then take great care and effort in refurbishing. The economy today is becoming very reliant on automated systems so integrating one onto your production line will help keep your business competitive on a global scale. Contact experts today to get started with integration or to ask any questions you may have.


The Robot­ic Indus­tries Asso­ci­a­tion (RIA) recent­ly inter­viewed Robots​.com Pres­i­dent, Kei­th Wanner:

RIA: How is the econ­o­my effect­ing the refur­bished robot mar­ket?

KW: This is a good time to be in the refur­bished robot mar­ket. There are a lot of robots avail­able from com­pa­nies that are down­siz­ing — new­er mod­els with few­er hours.

At the same time, a lot of com­pa­nies are look­ing for ways to main­tain the robots they have. We’ve seen an increased need for parts and replace­ments of exist­ing mod­els. In addi­tion, the econ­o­my is def­i­nite­ly effect­ing the way com­pa­nies look at their work­force. Com­pa­nies are con­cerned that they might not be able to keep their skilled labor­ers. Many com­pa­nies are look­ing to refur­bished robots as a way to auto­mate while still con­serv­ing cap­i­tal.

RIA: Has the robot cus­tomer changed because of the econ­o­my?

Yes. We’ve had a lot of new cus­tomers who are automat­ing for the first time. Many of these cus­tomers were wait­ing to auto­mate because they did­n’t have an incen­tive and they felt they could main­tain skilled labor. I think it’s telling that these first time buy­ers are not nec­es­sar­i­ly small com­pa­nies. The econ­o­my is mak­ing it so large com­pa­nies are con­sid­er­ing automat­ing more, with less of a work­force. We use the Inter­net to make sure these cus­tomers have the infor­ma­tion they need to explore automa­tion.

RIA: Tell us about the mar­ket­ing strate­gies your com­pa­ny is using to reach cus­tomers.

Know­ing that com­pa­nies are strug­gling with the cur­rent econ­o­my, and that there is an inter­est in robots, Robots​.com is doing a few things to make it eas­i­er to auto­mate. We’re try­ing to put our­selves in their shoes, If I was going to do buy a robot right now, what would inter­est me?“

We start­ed by offer­ing the sim­ple thing of free ship­ping. This way we take care of all the logis­tics. For first-time cus­tomers the details of set­ting up robot ship­ping can seem over­whelm­ing. This way, every­thing is han­dled for them.

Robots​.com has also extend­ed a No Mon­ey Down guar­an­tee on all robot sys­tems. This way, cus­tomers don’t have to pay a cent until they are com­plete­ly sat­is­fied with the fin­ished prod­uct. We try to make cus­tomers aware of financ­ing and leas­ing options. Instead of putting down a lot of cap­i­tal, com­pa­nies can take advan­tage of leas­ing and pay in small install­ments.

RIA: What kind of advice can you give to oth­ers in the robot­ics indus­try?

Com­pa­nies are always going to want to auto­mate, but the robot­ics indus­try needs to make it eas­i­er for them to make this deci­sion. Any­thing we can do to min­i­mize risk, the bet­ter. Maybe the man­u­fac­tur­ing mar­ket has slowed down, but the need for robots is always going to be there.

In addi­tion, now is a good time for those in the robot indus­try to make con­tact with exist­ing cus­tomers. Take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss their needs and inter­est them in upgrad­ing their sys­tems with new fea­tures and safe­ty.

If the new stim­u­lus bill does give incen­tives, be pre­pared to cater to cus­tomers that might only buy one robot in their life­time. Pro­vide as much infor­ma­tion on your web­site for cus­tomers — to make it eas­i­er for them to make a deci­sion. Those who haven’t auto­mat­ed before will want more infor­ma­tion.

Above all, stay flex­i­ble. Be open to things like rein­te­grat­ing exist­ing cells. Robots​.com recent­ly helped a com­pa­ny that need­ed to change their robot sys­tem to fit a new job. We were able to use the cus­tomer’s exist­ing robot, add upgrades and rein­te­grate a whole new work­cell. It saved them a great deal of mon­ey and has­sle.

RIA: What do you think the future holds for the robot­ics indus­try?

Start­ing with the new stim­u­lus bill, there’s going to be incen­tives for com­pa­nies to keep pro­duc­tion in the Unit­ed States. I think there will be a trend to buy Amer­i­can prod­ucts in order to keep jobs in the Unit­ed States. In order to make that hap­pen, U.S. prod­ucts will have to be cost effec­tive on a glob­al basis. The only way to do that is to auto­mate.

I think we’re also going to see an increase in the need for robots in all sec­tors. As much as 90% of man­u­fac­tur­ers haven’t auto­mat­ed because they’re small busi­ness­es. Robot automa­tion is going to find its way into new indus­tries. Clean ener­gy is one of the major areas of growth. That’s a whole new indus­try that will require robots to keep costs low. 

If you are inter­est­ed in buy­ing a used indus­tri­al robot, Robots​.com experts are ready to help! They can be reached online or at 7402414312.

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