ABB Scara Robot Series

We car­ry ABB scara robots! These type of robots pro­vide a cir­cu­lar work enve­lope and maneu­ver in the way a human arm. ABB Scara robots can be used for var­i­ous appli­ca­tions like pal­letiz­ing and machine load­ing. But they are espe­cial­ly good for assem­bly, dis­pens­ing and gas­ket form­ing with their con­stant cir­cu­lar accel­er­a­tion motion. ABB scara robots have two par­al­lel rotary joints and are con­sid­ered cylin­dri­cal robots. Con­tact Robots​.com today for more infor­ma­tion on how to inte­grate an ABB scara robot.