What Are The Advantages Of Buying Reconditioned Robots?
Reconditioned Robot Benefits

Inte­gra­tion-Ready recon­di­tioned robots offer cus­tomers the same val­ue as a new robot at a frac­tion of the cost. Work­ing with an inte­gra­tor you can trust is extreme­ly impor­tant. Know­ing that their recon­di­tion­ing process is thor­ough and con­sis­tent­ly reli­able makes a big dif­fer­ence in your expe­ri­ence with a recon­di­tioned robot. 

Advan­tages of Inte­gra­tion-Ready Recon­di­tioned Robots

  • Sav­ings — The most obvi­ous ben­e­fit of recon­di­tioned robots is the price. Refur­bished robots save up to 50% in cost com­pared to new mod­els. Less up front cap­i­tal costs means a quick­er ROI.
  • Avail­abil­i­ty — If you want to replace a cur­rent robot with an iden­ti­cal mod­el, your best choice is a recon­di­tioned robot. This allows for seam­less inte­gra­tion into your exist­ing pro­duc­tion line with lit­tle down­time. Your oper­a­tors and tech­ni­cians will already be famil­iar with the tech­nol­o­gy mak­ing train­ing time unnec­es­sary. Also, turn­around times for new robots can some­times be much longer. If you need to quick­ly imple­ment a robot­ic sys­tem into your process, we have a large inven­to­ry of in-stock robots ready for instal­la­tion and programming. 
  • Reli­a­bil­i­ty — Just because you are pay­ing less does not mean you are sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty. When work­ing with the right refur­bish­er, refur­bished robots are recon­di­tioned to like new con­di­tion. Robots​.com has an inten­sive inspec­tion and recon­di­tion­ing process designed to restore the robot to com­pa­ra­ble fac­to­ry spec­i­fi­ca­tions. We also con­duct extend­ed repeata­bil­i­ty test­ing on each recon­di­tioned robot to ensure reliability.
  • Sup­port — When it comes to main­te­nance and repairs, refur­bished robot mod­els offer the advan­tage of famil­iar­i­ty. Your tech­ni­cians will already know how to per­form the nec­es­sary main­te­nance. Parts are eas­i­ly acces­si­ble and afford­able through used equip­ment sup­pli­ers like Robots​.com.

Robots​.com has been recon­di­tion­ing robots for over 35 years now. We have formed incred­i­ble rela­tion­ships with our cus­tomers, usu­al­ly reoc­cur­ring, because we pro­duce high qual­i­ty prod­ucts. We per­form all refur­bish­ing in-house and pass the sav­ings on to you!

Want to learn more? Con­tact Us Here or call us at 8777626881 for more details and pric­ing on recon­di­tioned or new indus­tri­al robots. 

Have refur­bished robot­ic equip­ment you want to sell? We buy refur­bished robots, and robot parts. You can eas­i­ly fill out a request a bid form here. We give top dol­lar for all robot purchases.