AutoDrive® S Wire Feeder One-Pak® for Kuka KR 16 Arc HW

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Part # K4306-KR16-HW

Some­times less is more, even when it comes to robot­ic weld­ing in auto­mo­tive fab­ri­ca­tion and oth­er indus­tries. Auto­Drive S is designed and built with this prin­ci­ple in mind. It reduces incon­sis­tent or failed starts, spat­ter, burn­back and oth­er mishaps asso­ci­at­ed with pre-pro­grammed wire feeding.

Auto­Drive S employs touch-retract start­ing tech­nol­o­gy, a sys­tem that touch­es the wire to the work, sens­es the touch and retracts the wire, ini­ti­at­ing the arc at a low­er cur­rent. The soft­er start min­i­mizes spat­ter or elim­i­nates it alto­geth­er, and extends the life of the con­sum­able. This reduces oper­at­ing costs over the long term, and when there is lit­tle or no spat­ter to remove after the weld, up time and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty improve dramatically.


Pre­cise Starts, Increased Pro­duc­tion
Get the right touch when you need it. Auto­Drive S is engi­neered with touch-retract start tech­nol­o­gy that reduces arc start fail­ures and increas­es arc-on time. This improves up time and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and reduces oper­at­ing costs over the long term.

More Con­trol, Bet­ter Qual­i­ty
Not all weld­ing tasks are cre­at­ed equal. The Auto­Drive S deliv­ers high­er qual­i­ty welds that are more con­sis­tent through­out the entire length, pro­duc­ing the best results for the more chal­leng­ing weld­ing applications.

Min­i­mal Spat­ter, Longer Life
Don’t let spat­ter dri­ve up your costs. Auto­Drive S ensures the clean­est pos­si­ble start and min­i­mizes dam­age to the con­tact tip. Less wear and tear on the tip means longer life, few­er replace­ment tips and less down­time — all of which improves the bot­tom line.

Per­fect Starts
In a stan­dard robot­ic start­ing rou­tine, the wire feed­er and the weld­ing pow­er sup­ply work togeth­er, but oper­ate inde­pen­dent of each oth­er. This can cause incon­sis­ten­cy from one start to another.

Auto­Drive S Touch-Retract Start­ing
Cre­ates per­fect syn­er­gy between the Pow­er Wave® plat­form and the wire feed­er, pro­vid­ing absolute con­trol over the accel­er­a­tion and decel­er­a­tion of wire feed speed.

The Pre­ci­sion of the Auto­Drive S
In com­bi­na­tion with the fast com­mu­ni­ca­tion speed and weld­ing capa­bil­i­ty of the Pow­er Wave plat­form, results in near­ly flaw­less arc ini­ti­a­tion every time.


  • Reduces arc start fail­ures and increas­es arc-on time
  • High­er qual­i­ty welds that are more con­sis­tent through­out the entire length
  • Touch retract start­ing ensures the clean­est pos­si­ble start, min­i­miz­ing spatter
  • Reduces wear on con­tact tips, result­ing in longer con­sum­able life
  • Pro­vides absolute con­trol over the accel­er­a­tion and decel­er­a­tion of wire feed speed

What’s Includ­ed

  • Feed­er (K43031
  • Mount­ing Bracket 
  • Feed­er Insulator 
  • Torch Cable Assembly 
  • Break­away Disk Housing 
  • Nose Cone Gun Tube 
  • Noz­zle Dif­fuser Insulator
  • Con­tact Tips 
  • Lin­er

Mag­num Pro Thru the Arm Robot­ic Torch for Auto­Drive S Instruc­tion Manual

Mag­num Pro Thru the Arm Robot­ic Torch Instruc­tion Manual

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