Rejuvenate Your Robot:

Transformative Evaluations to Restore and Enhance Your Robot!

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Eval­u­a­tion and Repair: T.I.E.‘s Expert Ser­vices for Your Unique Robot­ic Needs

At T.I.E., we under­stand the diverse chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties that come with own­ing and oper­at­ing robot­ic sys­tems. Whether you’re deal­ing with excess equip­ment, nav­i­gat­ing the com­plex­i­ties of online pur­chas­es, or plan­ning to repur­pose mul­ti­ple robots for a new ven­ture, our spe­cial­ized Inspect and Quote ser­vices are designed to cater to your spe­cif­ic needs.

Here’s how we can help you:

1. Max­i­miz­ing Your Excess Equip­ment Potential

Do you have sur­plus robot­ic equip­ment gath­er­ing dust? Whether they’re func­tion­ing or not, our expert eval­u­a­tion can breathe new life into them. We iden­ti­fy issues, sug­gest nec­es­sary repairs or upgrades, and opti­mize your resources to min­i­mize down­time. Let us turn your excess into excellence.

2. Turn Your Online Pur­chas­es into Oper­a­tional Assets

Pur­chased a robot online or from a sal­vage deal­er? The jour­ney from acqui­si­tion to oper­a­tion can be fraught with exces­sive cost and uncer­tain­ty. Our inspec­tion and eval­u­a­tion ser­vices are your roadmap to suc­cess. We assess the con­di­tion of your robots, guid­ing you through the steps to make them ful­ly func­tion­al and ensur­ing your invest­ment pays off.

3. Ready Your Robots for New Applications

Plan­ning to rede­ploy mul­ti­ple robots for a new pro­gram? Pre­ci­sion and readi­ness are key. Our detailed inspec­tions and tai­lored quotes guar­an­tee that your robots are not just ready, but reli­able for your mul­ti-year projects. We help you plan for repairs and upgrades, ensur­ing seam­less inte­gra­tion into your new program.

Why Choose T.I.E.?

We're more than a service provider; we're your strategic partner in maximizing the potential of your robotic systems. By focusing on these specific client scenarios, T.I.E. stands as a beacon of expertise and reliability in the world of robotics. Trust us to deliver not just solutions, but also the confidence and assurance you need in a technologically driven future.

Evaluating An Industrial Robot

Benefits of T.I.E.'s
Robot Evaluation Services

Robot evaluations are key to preventing costly downtimes and extending the lifespan of your robots. By identifying and addressing issues early, we help you save on major repairs and keep your operations running smoothly.

The benefits of T.I.E.'s robot evaluation services are significant:

  1. Prevention of Downtime: Identification of potential issues helps in avoiding unexpected breakdowns, ensuring continuous operation.
  2. Cost Savings: Can detect problems early, reducing the need for expensive repairs or replacements.
  3. Optimized Performance: Ensure that robots are operating at their best, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.
  4. Longevity of Equipment: Timely repairs can significantly extend the lifespan of robotic systems.
  5. Safety: Ensure that all safety protocols are functioning correctly, reducing the risk of accidents.
  6. Compliance with Standards: Keeps the robot systems in line with industry standards and regulations.
  7. Data-Driven Insights: Can provide valuable insights into the performance and usage patterns of robots, aiding in better decision-making.

The Robot
Evaluation Process:

1. Initial Robot System Assessment:

Begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the entire robot system. Identify any visible signs of missing or worn components and damaged materials. We then capture a digital record of your robotic system’s initial condition and contents.

2. Control Cabinet Assessment:

Open the control cabinet and inspect the internal components. Check for loose connections, damaged circuit boards, or any signs of overheating.

3. Manipulator Arm Inspection:

Examine the manipulator arm for any physical damage, misalignment, or signs of wear. Check joints, gearboxes, and actuators.

4. Power System Check:

Inspect the power supply components, including cables, connectors, and power distribution units.

5. Functional Testing:

  1. Power up the robot system and conduct functional tests for the manipulator arm. This includes checking the range of motion, repeatability, and mastering or calibration of arm.
  2. Verify the integrity of the electrical system, including encoders, and feedback devices. Ensure that all connections are secure and functional.
  3. Verify the functionality of the robot pendant including different modes and e-stop safety modes.

6. Software Check:

Evaluate the robot controller software. Update the firmware if necessary and ensure compatibility with the latest versions. Test different control modes and programming functionalities.

7. Safety Systems Inspection:

Assess the safety features of the robot system. Ensure emergency stop mechanisms, safety interlocks, and other protective measures are in proper working condition.

8. Documentation Review:

Review and update the documentation for the robot system, including manuals, schematics, and maintenance records. Ensure that all information is current and accurate.

9. Quality Assurance:

Conduct a final quality assurance check to ensure that the refurbished robot system meets the required performance standards and safety regulations.

Understanding Your Robot Requirements

Detailed Robot Evaluation Report

Following the evaluation, you'll receive a detailed report outlining the condition of your robot. This report is clear and thorough, providing insights into any issues found and recommendations for necessary repairs or upgrades. View a sample report on our website to understand the level of detail and expertise we provide.

Robot Repair Services Post-Evaluation

Based on the evaluation, we offer a range of repair services. Our recommendations for repairs are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring your robot returns to optimal performance.

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T.I.E. Industrial: Your Circular Economy Supply Chain Partner

By opting to refurbish or repair your mechanical unit rather than replace, companies extend the life of their equipment, reducing waste and the need for new resources. This approach not only conserves materials but also minimizes the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new robots.

Don’t wait for a breakdown to realize the importance of robot evaluation.

Schedule your robot's evaluation today and ensure its longevity and efficiency. Use our easy-to-use contact form or scheduling tool available on our website.

1216 Heil Quaker Blvd
La Vergne, TN 37086