How Do I Ship My Robot?

There are spe­cif­ic guide­lines to fol­low when ship­ping a robot and Robots​.com can help you with this procedure.

To ensure you receive the max­i­mum val­ue for your refur­bished robot­ic equip­ment, you should pro­tect it from ship­ping dam­age. You can do so by fol­low­ing these guidelines:

  • The equip­ment must be on skids or crat­ed, with noth­ing extend­ing over the edge. The robot arm should be bolt­ed to the skid, as strap­ping may dam­age the arm. The con­troller should be strapped or band­ed to the skid, but take care not to place the strap­ping over the con­troller door. 
  • The robot arm should be in the squat­ted position. 
  • The teach pen­dant should be bub­ble-wrapped and placed in the con­troller or in a box secured to the skid. 
  • All cables should be dis­con­nect­ed from the arm to the con­troller and wrapped around the base of the con­troller. They can also be placed on top of the con­troller and then secured to the skid. Do not cut the cables.
  • All items should be shrink-wrapped. 
  • Acces­sories, such as the man­u­als, should be boxed and then secured to the skid. 
  • Assure that the equip­ment is placed upright and secure­ly in the ship­ping trail­er. Place tarps on items loaded onto flatbed trucks. 
  • For added pro­tec­tion, we rec­om­mend you pho­to­graph all equip­ment loaded for ship­ping before it leaves your facility.

If you have any fur­ther ques­tions, please con­tact the Robots​.com acqui­si­tions depart­ment at 8777626881.