What Advice Can You Offer When I Am Ready To Buy A Robot?

Buy­ing an indus­tri­al robot can seem a bit scary, espe­cial­ly if you are a small­er com­pa­ny or first time buy­er. We have a few pieces of advice for buy­ing robots to help ease your fears and ensure the best robot pur­chase and inte­gra­tion process. 

industrial robot deals

1. Stay with­in Your Budget

It’s crit­i­cal to know what you are will­ing and able to spend up front. Hav­ing a set range can help you decide whether you can pur­chase a brand new indus­tri­al robot or a recon­di­tioned refur­bished robot. Work­ing with the right robot com­pa­ny, who prop­er­ly refur­bish­es pre-owned robots, can help save you up to 50% on cost with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty. This makes recon­di­tioned robots a great alternative. 

Part of assess­ing your bud­get is know­ing how quick you can make a return on your invest­ment. We have an easy to use ROI cal­cu­la­tor to help you esti­mate cost sav­ings of using indus­tri­al robots to auto­mate a process step. 

2. Robot Selec­tion — What to Buy

There are many choic­es in the indus­tri­al robot mar­ket. After you deter­mine your bud­get, the next step in the buy­ing process is to deter­mine which robot mod­el fits your needs. Robots​.com offers a vari­ety of robot solu­tions from mul­ti­ple name brand man­u­fac­tur­ers. We’ll help you nar­row down your options based on your appli­ca­tion needs, reach and pay­load require­ments, and man­u­fac­tur­er preference.

3. Con­sid­er Robot Integration

Robot inte­gra­tion is the process of installing the robot arm, periph­er­als, and oth­er equip­ment into a seam­less automa­tion sys­tem. It may have ini­tial costs, but using a robot­ic inte­gra­tor to plan and install your robot sys­tem can have major ben­e­fits. Risk is reduced, process is opti­mized, prod­uct qual­i­ty increased, and your sys­tem will meet prop­er indus­try safe­ty stan­dards when you work with Robots​.com.

Con­tact our sales team today for more infor­ma­tion about choos­ing the right robot for your automa­tion needs.