Motoman UP400RN
The Motoman UP400RN is a shelf-mount robot with a lot of power. Capable of handling a 400 kg payload, the UP400RN material handling model can take on even the toughest challenge. If you would like to reduce your initial investment costs even further, then consider purchasing one of’ used Motoman UP400RN robots.
Regardless of buying a new or used Motoman UP400RN, you will not be disappointed by its wide work envelope that provides multitasking and larger part handling capabilities. All air and I/O signal lines are run through the arm, allowing the robot to move with greater speed and safety.
The Motoman UP400 RN is controlled by an NX100 which lends even more usability and power. The NX100’s immense memory can store multiple steps and programs. The robot can use either the DX100 or the NX100 controller.
Motion Speed
Motion Range
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