Cooper™ Air Cooled Welding Cobot Cart with ABB GoFa Cobot and Lincoln Electric Power Wave® R450


Made to Move

Across many indus­tries, find­ing skilled welders is chal­leng­ing. In find­ing the best solu­tion, automa­tion is usu­al­ly the most prac­ti­cal and cost-effi­cient answer. Lin­coln Elec­tric com­bined more than a cen­tu­ry of weld­ing knowhow (since 1895) and our exten­sive automa­tion expe­ri­ence with your real-world needs to cre­ate the Coop­er Cart. The Coop­er Cart weld­ing Cobot is designed for safe, direct human inter­ac­tion. It’s the afford­able, game-chang­ing solu­tion you need to lev­el up your weld­ing and your business.


Coop­er App

Lin­coln Elec­tric cre­at­ed the Coop­er App to make it sim­ple for any­one to pro­gram and cre­ate a qual­i­ty weld. On screen instruc­tions guide users step-by-step through the process of cre­at­ing welds, no train­ing required.

Increase Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and Weld Quality

Welds with an indus­tri­al ABB GoFa robot dri­ven by a Lin­coln Elec­tric Pow­er Wave® R450 pow­er source. The Pow­er Wave soft­ware con­trols and mon­i­tors weld­ing process­es deliv­er­ing the high­est lev­els of weld qual­i­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty – exact­ly what you need to be more competitive.


Reduce main­te­nance and do not exceed the duty cycle of your equip­ment — Lin­coln Elec­tric sys­tems are set­up to sup­port robot­ic applications:

  • Pow­er Wave R450 (5 Year Warranty)
  • Auto­Drive 4R100/ 4R220 (5 Year Warranty)
  • Mag­num PRO Air-Cooled/ Water-Cooled (1 Year Warranty)

The GoFa ABB cobot is backed by ABB’s 46 years of automa­tion exper­tise span­ning every indus­try imag­in­able across the globe. Like ABB indus­tri­al size arms, rig­or­ous qual­i­ty test­ing is con­duct­ed on the GoFa cobot.

Set­up for Success

LIn­coln Elec­tric offers FREE on-line train­ing, in-per­son train­ing class­es, the sup­port of 275 tech­ni­cal sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives, and the exper­tise of 115 robot technicians.


Model #
System Dimensions L x W x H in (mm)
69 (1752.6) x 35 (889) x 80 (2032)
Robotic Arm Payload
11lb (5kg)
Robotic Arm Reach
43 In (1,092mm)
System Weight lb (kg
1047 (475)
Fixed Table Work Envelope in (mm)
44 x 35 (1117.6 x 889)
Fixed Table Payload lb (kg)
500 (226)