Mod-Weld MATE Series Single Station Wide Table Welding Cell with Fanuc Arc Mate 120iD

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Mod­el # SSFWT-96-AM120

The fixed table allows the oper­a­tor to load the parts direct­ly into their fix­ture as the robot waits in a safe posi­tion for the safe­ty door to close before welding.

The Aux Wide option adds a Fanuc Aux Axis to rotate the fix­ture into the robot for ease of weld­ing on the back side.

  • FANUC Robot / Miller Pow­er Source / Rock­well Con­trols Inte­grat­ed by APT Manufacturing
  • Load/​Unload direct­ly into the weld cell
  • Locat­ing holes for Fix­tures to be removed and set back up in same location
  • Ease of set up
  • Easy main­te­nance and cleanliness
  • Side access door for enter­ing in a safe environment
  • Small foot­print
  • Recipe Man­age­ment with room for up to 100 recipes


Miller power source
Auto-Continuum™ 350
108" x 114"
Power needed
480VAC 3-Phase 60 AMP
Table size
48" x 96"
Available I/O
8 in 8 out
Available valve bank space
4 closed-center valves and 4 blanks
Enclosed cell
Crane accessible

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