Mod-Weld Cobot MAC Bundle with Fanuc CRX-10iA/L and Miller Auto-Continuum™ 350

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  • Miller Auto-Con­tin­u­um 350
  • Miller Con­tin­u­um wire dri­ve (.035 wire)
  • Miller Auto-Con­tin­u­um MIG Kit
  • Tre­gask­is Robot torch
  • FANUC CRx Col­lab­o­ra­tive Robot with Miller Library and APT Clever Torch teach but­ton soft­ware pack­age ready to teach and weld
  • Oper­a­tor push­but­ton pan­el inte­grat­ed to robot con­troller. Cycle start, teach enable
  • End user to install robot, con­troller, Miller, etc. to exist­ing fix­ture table, base, or pedestal

APT Clever Torch kit for CRX.

Torch mount­ed inte­gral but­tons for aid­ing in pro­gram­ming of CRX robot. Clever torch has two but­tons, one for select­ing move­ment and one for teach­ing point. Oper­a­tor pan­el with 15′ pig­tail and inte­grat­ed to robot I/O by APT. But­ton sta­tion will con­tain cycle start but­ton and teach enable selec­tor switch.

Fanuc CRX 10iA/​L six axis col­lab­o­ra­tive robot with Fanuc R30iB Mini Plus con­troller. 10kg (22 lbs.) max­i­mum pay­load with 1,418mm (55.8 in) reach.

The Fanuc CRX cobot is safe, flex­i­ble, quick to imple­ment and easy to pro­gram. The robot will stop upon con­tact with peo­ple. It is human friend­ly with a smooth and round­ed design.

Miller Con­tin­u­um 350 MIG welder sys­tem with Tre­gaskiss torch gun. All required cables to inte­grate CRX cobot to welder system.


Model #
6-axis robot
Fanuc CRX-10iA/L
Miller power source
Auto-Continuum™ 350
Clever Torch Teach Guidance
Miller Hand Torch Option
Robot Programming
Tablet only
Robot reach
Robot Power Requirement
110v 20 amp
Welder Power Requirement
230–575 V 3-phase, 50/60 Hz

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