Cobot Palletizer with Fanuc CRX Cobot

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All Ven­tion cells are cus­tomiz­able to meet your needs. Sub­mit a quote request to dis­cuss avail­able options.

This Ven­tion robot­ic pal­letiz­ing solu­tion is a sim­ple and cost-effec­tive design. It is avail­able as a turn-key solu­tion or can be cus­tomized to suit your spe­cif­ic needs. 

Fea­tur­ing n CRX Fanuc Cobot on a t‑slot alu­minum struc­ture, cov­er­ing min­i­mal space, and opti­miz­ing your end of line pack­ag­ing automa­tion. It is designed for 2 pal­lets to be docked at each side of the robot’s fixed pedestal and it includes a con­vey­or infeed, the MachineApps pal­letiz­ing soft­ware, a con­trol inter­face and safe­ty area scanners. 

Avail­able with a Fanuc CRX25iA for heav­ier pay­loads or a Fanuc CRX-10i­A/L for small-medi­um payloads. 

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