Vention Enclosed Overhead Cobot Cell with Fanuc CRX5iA (AS-PP-307904 v6)

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This enclosed robot work­sta­tion is designed for over­head instal­la­tion of col­lab­o­ra­tive robots. Two doors are avail­able on each side of the sta­tion, with inter­lock­ing sys­tems to safe­ly secure the work area. Wire mesh pan­els pan­el walls allow for a clear view of the robot. A ded­i­cat­ed area is avail­able under the table top to install the robot con­troller and oth­er components.


Design number
AS-PP-307904 v6
332.1 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H)
1834 x 1860 x 2074 mm

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