Machine Tending Cell with 2 Mobile Part Presenters with Fanuc CRX-10iA/L (MF-RC-138212 v29)

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Machine tend­ing robot cell with a Fanuc­CRX-10i­A/L. The robot is installed on a floor anchored work­sta­tion, with ded­i­cat­ed mount­ing brack­ets for the FANUC con­troller and the pen­dant. Two (2) mobile part pre­sen­ters, each with 3 bi-direc­tion­al draw­ers, are includ­ed. Locat­ing pins are used to fix the part pre­sen­ters to the work­sta­tion. Ide­al for machine tend­ing appli­ca­tions with long auton­o­my and min­i­mal oper­a­tor tasks. All the parts shown are includ­ed, except for the CNC machine.


Design number
MF-RC-138212 v29
354.8 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H)
1296 x 2234 x 1909 mm

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