Overhead 7th Axis Cobot Cell with Fanuc CRX Cobot, Conveyor and Shelving Units (AS-PP-140573 v24)

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Pick and place robot cell designed for Fanuc CRX robots. The ceil­ing-mount­ed range exten­der has a range of 3.1 meters. A very robust and com­pact Heavy-Duty Enclosed Tim­ing Belt actu­a­tor is used for the range exten­der. A floor-mount­ed belt con­vey­or is includ­ed to han­dle prod­ucts, and two (2) shelv­ing units are used to store prod­ucts. All parts shown are includ­ed. ALL EQUIP­MENT MUST BE ANCHORED. PLEASE REVIEW BEFORE PURCHASING


Design number
AS-PP-140573 v24
517.5 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H)
1634 x 3578 x 2694 mm

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