Turnkey Palletizer: Dual Infeed & Automated Outfeed with Refurbished Fanuc M-710iC (PZ-IR-269174 v3.27)

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This Ven­tion robot­ic solu­tion fea­tures a Fanuc M‑710iC/​45M Indus­tri­al robot pal­letiz­er with a prod­uct infeed and an auto­mat­ed out­put line, opti­miz­ing your end of line pack­ag­ing automa­tion. It is designed for a pal­let to be com­plet­ed at each side of the robot and moved down the line for pick­up. The design includes a com­plete safe­ty enclo­sure made with t‑slot alu­minum extru­sions, a con­vey­or prod­uct infeed, an auto­mat­ed pal­let dis­pens­ing sys­tem, the MachineApps pal­letiz­ing soft­ware and a con­trol interface.

Full Deploy­ment Bun­dles pro­vide end-to-end deploy­ment sup­port for select Ven­tion applications.

The bun­dle for Indus­tri­al Pal­letiz­ers includes:

  • Design val­i­da­tion & customization
  • Pre-assem­bly & Fac­to­ry Accep­tance Test
  • Site Accep­tance Test & commissioning.

This ensures the deliv­ery of a func­tion­al pal­letiz­er that per­forms accord­ing to the require­ments defined in a project scope, from grip­per val­i­da­tion to pal­letiz­ing rate to oper­a­tor functionality.


Design number
PZ-IR-269174 v3.27
6121.2 kg
Dimensions (L x W x H)
11175 x 9675 x 3020 mm

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