A better robot arm for the future of manufacturing

Jul 15, 2013

Robot arms enhance the manufacturing production by bringing faster speeds, increased accuracy, and lower production and labor costs. Industrial robot arms are also seen and used in a wide range of industries such as aerospace, automotive, food and beverage, construction, and electronics. ​


When think­ing about indus­tri­al robot arms, look at your own arm. What can it do? It can bend. It (with the aid of the hand) can grasp things. It can lift things. It can move things. The process­es per­formed by indus­tri­al robot arms are not that dif­fer­ent, though they may be more efficient.

There are sev­er­al indus­tries that use indus­tri­al robot arms, includ­ing the auto­mo­tive, aero­space, elec­tron­ics, food and bev­er­age, con­struc­tion and elec­tron­ics indus­tries. These indus­tries have real­ized what sev­er­al small­er, new­er indus­tries are now find­ing out – using indus­tri­al robot­ic arms for man­u­fac­tur­ing enhances production.

No mat­ter which way you slice it, a human arm may be sim­i­lar to a robot­ic indus­tri­al arm in move­ment, but it can­not match the strength and accu­ra­cy of a robot­ic arm. When look­ing to stream­line their process­es, man­u­fac­tur­ers are turn­ing to robot­ic sys­tems to low­er their pro­duc­tion and labor costs.

The indus­tri­al robot­ic arm has sev­er­al advan­tages for the man­u­fac­tur­er. Once a robot­ic arm is inte­grat­ed into a pro­duc­tion line, the pro­duc­tion speed will increase as the robot reduces the cycle time between each work piece.

Also, the qual­i­ty of the prod­uct begins to improve because of the robot’s abil­i­ty to accu­rate­ly sand down edges, pro­duce straighter welds or drill pre­cise holes. This just con­tin­u­al­ly improves the prod­uct over time, while also improv­ing the integri­ty of the brand.

Robot indus­tri­al arms also decrease work-relat­ed injuries and acci­dents. With these robots in place, along with their nec­es­sary safe­ty pack­ages, work­ers are kept clear of haz­ardous envi­ron­ments, tox­ic fumes and tedious, some­times injury-induc­ing work. These same work­ers also gain a new skill set when learn­ing how to pro­gram these user-friend­ly indus­tri­al robot­ic arms.

All these ben­e­fits con­tin­ue to grow as robots con­tin­ue to improve and enhance over time. Man­u­fac­tur­ing caught the robot­ics bug, and they don’t seem to be slow­ing down any time soon.

Robots​.com sells robots from Fanuc, KUKA and Motoman robot­ics, will cus­tomize an indus­tri­al robot­ic arm for your facil­i­ty. Robots.com’s high­ly-skilled staff will work with you to design the per­fect sys­tem for your application.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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