Application software for KUKA robots

Feb 4, 2014

KUKA robot software offers a variety of different options depending on your application need. If you are looking for simple programming capabilities and a high level of reliability, look no further than KUKA application software. There are software solutions for welding, material handling, and material removal.


When try­ing to choose soft­ware for your KUKA robot, you may feel over­whelmed – there are so many things to con­sid­er. KUKA Robot­ics offers sev­er­al dif­fer­ent pack­ages, depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion of the robot. This KUKA appli­ca­tion soft­ware is tai­lored to the most com­mon robot appli­ca­tions in use today, includ­ing weld­ing, mate­r­i­al han­dling and mate­r­i­al removal.

If you want to have a new or refur­bished robot sys­tem with sim­ple pro­gram­ming capa­bil­i­ties and a high lev­el of reli­a­bil­i­ty, KUKA appli­ca­tion soft­ware real­ly is the way to go. KUKA has adapt­able pro­grams for sev­er­al dif­fer­ent func­tions. Along with soft­ware like ArcTech, BendTech, GlueTech, LaserTech, Pal­let­Pro, and Plas­t­Tech, which are all des­ig­nat­ed toward the appli­ca­tions of the same names, there are oth­er soft­ware options avail­able for oth­er process­es. For exam­ple, Ser­vo­Gun is a KUKA soft­ware pro­gram that oper­ates the ser­vo­mo­tor-dri­ven spot weld­ing guns that KUKA spot welders use, accord­ing to the KUKA web­site. This soft­ware by KUKA reg­u­lates the open­ing width of the weld­ing gun for the robot.

Of course, there is also soft­ware made to assist the oth­er appli­ca­tion soft­ware and fur­ther improve the task at hand. KUKA soft­ware pro­grams like SeamTech, which is a pro­gram for auto­mat­ic seam track­ing, and Touch­Sense, which is a seam search appli­ca­tion for weld­ing, are used to fur­ther enhance their processes.

All of these dif­fer­ent soft­ware pro­grams from KUKA Robot­ics are able to improve the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of any pro­duc­tion line, while sav­ing the man­u­fac­tur­er time and mon­ey, and also increas­ing uptime for the line.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about what KUKA soft­ware can offer your robot­ic sys­tem? If so, con­tact Robots​.com today. Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from KUKA Robot­ics, and our staff has access to all the robot mod­els and soft­ware avail­able through KUKA. Our engi­neers and tech­ni­cians will work with you to design and build the per­fect robot sys­tem with the per­fect soft­ware for your application.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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