Benefits of Robotic Deburring

Jun 30, 2013

A deburring robot can accomplish tasks much faster and with greater quality than a manual production line. Deburring robots help lead to a fast return on investment of the robot; they work endlessly and without the need for any breaks.


We are all born with idio­syn­crasies and imper­fec­tions that make us unique…and human! But when a prod­uct has imper­fec­tions, for both safe­ty and aes­thet­ic rea­sons, these inac­cu­ra­cies need to be removed. Debur­ring is the process of remov­ing burrs, sharp edges, or fins off parts. Robot­ic debur­ring is when this process becomes automated.

In com­par­i­son with a human work­ing man­u­al­ly to remove burrs, a robot can per­form the same task much more quick­ly, there­fore increas­ing pro­duc­tion. The robot can man­u­fac­ture more parts in the same amount of time, lead­ing to a fast return on the invest­ment of the robot. They can work end­less hours with­out becom­ing fatigued like a human would, and they free up floor space that was pre­vi­ous­ly tak­en by humans. Last, work­ing on debur­ring is haz­ardous for a human; it’s a repet­i­tive, noisy job where mate­r­i­al could be sprayed into the eyes or skin. Insur­ance rates will be sig­nif­i­cant­ly decreased if debur­ring is automated. 

Robots also improve the qual­i­ty of the prod­uct, because of the pre­ci­sion of their work. Auto­mat­ic debur­ring is not only faster, but also more effi­cient than man­u­al debur­ring. Robot­ic debur­ring improves the appli­ca­tion so that the prod­uct is cre­at­ed at a faster rate with a more pre­cise finish.

Robot­ic vision, sen­sors, and fix­tur­ing allow the robot to accu­rate­ly remove burrs. Humans sim­ply don’t have the pre­ci­sion afford­ed a robot, and most like­ly, lack the patience for the task as well! 

A robot­ic debur­ring tool is either air or elec­tri­cal­ly dri­ven, and can be mount­ed to the robot wrist, or a bench or fix­ture. Com­pli­ance is impor­tant in these tools, and the user can select either radi­al­ly-com­pli­ant tools or axi­al­ly-com­pli­ant tools, depend­ing on the nature of the project. Radi­al­ly-com­pli­ant tools offer a gen­tle touch with com­pli­ance to make sure the part isn’t cut too far. They are ide­al for edge-debur­ring in areas that are tough to reach, and can also remove part­ing lines and flash. Axi­al­ly-com­pli­ant tools have both lat­er­al and axi­al com­pli­ance and work with a 45 degree cut­ting angle, per­fect for edge-debur­ring and chamfering. 

Cost is not the issue that it once was with auto­mat­ic debur­ring sys­tems. They are much more afford­able today than they used to be, and they are eas­i­ly imple­ment­ed into exist­ing pro­duc­tion lines. A key ben­e­fit of robot­ic debur­ring is that the robot can be used for oth­er tasks as well. It’s extreme­ly flexible. 

For a fast, pre­cise, effi­cient debur­ring process, robots are the clear choice. Robots​.com can help you inte­grate a debur­ring robot into your pro­duc­tion line. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com here or call 8777626881.

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