Buying a Robot from

Mar 3, 2015

​ representatives take pride in their customer service, they will take the time to listen to your production needs and then decide on the best robotic application. It is important for you to know your production expectations, budget, and expected floor blueprint before deciding on a system. engineers will do the research to find all of the right options for your needs, including the robot, controller, teach pendant, etc.


When some­one makes up their mind to buy a robot for their fac­to­ry, the process can begin quick­ly, but usu­al­ly takes a bit of time autho­rize and become a real­i­ty in their shop. Buy­ing a robot isn’t a com­pli­cat­ed process, but because it can be an expen­sive process, it takes time to make sure every­thing is designed just right before pur­chas­ing. The experts at Robots​.com can help get through the pur­chas­ing process with ease. 

So, what is the first thing you do when you decide to buy a new robot? Before approach­ing a ven­dor, you should have some idea of what you expect that robot to do. If your robot or work cell does not have your mate­r­i­al han­dling or weld­ing process trans­lat­ed into move­ments that make sense for a robot, its appli­ca­tion process­es will not be opti­mized, and you will not receive the full speed and accu­ra­cy ben­e­fits that come with a robot­ic system.

Once you explain to Robots​.com what you want to do, and they decide to take you on as a client, then the fun begins. Our appli­ca­tion engi­neers begin doing lots of research to find all the right prod­uct options for your robot – the con­troller, weld­ing pack­age, end effec­tor, etc. Once they have all of that togeth­er, they will shoot it over to our sales team, who will call com­pa­nies, get prices, and put togeth­er a quote for your system.

While the sales team at Robots​.com knows that some­times the price of a new robot­ic sys­tem can be scary, or down­right shock-induc­ing, there are ways to still save mon­ey and auto­mate. There are two reac­tions when your com­pa­ny sees the price of the robot: either they are going to hap­py because it is low­er than expect­ed or unhap­py because the price is high­er than they expect­ed. Either way, we can accom­mo­date your pur­chase. Those who see the low­er price may want to add more fea­tures to their cell, while oth­ers may want to take things off their quote. Our sales staff has no prob­lem revis­ing the quote to fit the sat­is­fac­tion of our customers.

Once the quote is revised, and it is agreed on by the cus­tomer, Robots​.com will wait for the customer’s com­pa­ny to approve a pur­chase order for the sys­tem, and send a down pay­ment. We will even work with you to buy back your robot when you are fin­ished if you don’t plan to have it for long.

So, do you only get the robot sys­tem and noth­ing else? Of course not! Robots​.com pro­vides com­pli­men­ta­ry tech sup­port and a ded­i­cat­ed cus­tomer ser­vice rep for every cus­tomer. Then, it is just a mat­ter of arrang­ing the ship­ping and trans­port to get the robot to your facil­i­ty. All new Robots​.com robots come with a full war­ran­ty, and phone sup­port for the life of your robot.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about Robots​.com and the robots we sell here? Then con­tact us online or give us a call today at 8777626881.

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