Conversion of MIG to TIG

Oct 19, 2023

When you are searching for a welding automation solution, it is important to understand the specific needs of your production line. There are a variety of welding automation systems out there today, so knowing whether or not you will need a MIG welding process or TIG welding process will be beneficial to your needs.


When switch­ing prod­ucts being man­u­fac­tured, one major issue that needs to be con­sid­ered is whether the weld­ing process needs to be changed. If a prod­uct is being weld­ed with in a MIG style, will the new prod­uct be able to be weld­ed the same way? Maybe a TIG or anoth­er style weld would be more appropriate.

How to Con­vert a Robot­ic MIG Welder to a TIG Weld­ing Robot

When weld­ing using indus­tri­al robot arms, con­vert­ing a MIG to a TIG welder is easy. The robot arm sim­ply maneu­vers the weld­ing com­po­nents. The MIG and TIG com­po­nents are sim­ply attached to the robot arm. In order to com­plete a MIG to TIG con­ver­sion, the user would need to exchange com­po­nents such as the weld­ing pow­er sup­ply, weld­ing torch, wire feed­er, and safe­ty clutch. The type of wire and elec­trode used in MIG and TIG weld­ing vary. Depend­ing on the type of met­al being weld­ed and oth­er prop­er­ties of the weld­ing sys­tem, such as shield­ing gas, dif­fer­ent wires made of dif­fer­ent met­als will be used to con­duct the elec­tric­i­ty and melt into the met­al part. Like the wires, depend­ing on the part and the type of weld­ing process, the type of shield­ing gas and pro­por­tions of gas will need to be adjust­ed to fit the application.

To put it sim­ply, to con­vert an indus­tri­al robot arm, such as a Fanuc ARC Mate 120iC/​10L or a Motoman E1400N, from a MIG to a TIG welder, the user gen­er­al­ly only needs to replace the weld­ing acces­sories, not the indus­tri­al robot arm itself. A man­u­fac­tur­er might want to con­vert MIG to TIG for sev­er­al rea­sons. If the part being man­u­fac­tured changes and a new type of met­al is being weld­ed, con­ver­sion from MIG to TIG or TIG to MIG might be appro­pri­ate. Weld splat­ter and pre­ci­sion are also some­thing to con­sid­er. TIG weld­ing process­es typ­i­cal­ly are more pre­cise and cre­ate less splat­ter than MIG weld­ing process­es. These and oth­er MIG and TIG weld­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics should be tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion when decid­ing which weld­ing process to use and when decid­ed if con­vert­ing MIG to TIG would be appropriate.

Con­tact T.I.E. Indus­tri­al for all your MIG and TIG Weld­ing needs.

Please con­tact us online or call 8777626881 to start the your quick quote today!

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