Dying for DieCast Software

Jun 17, 2013

Today, the majority of products produced in the metal working industry are die cast, so integrating a die cast industrial robot will keep you competitive in the global market. ABB created a great software called RobotWare diecast to help enhance the production process even more.


From children’s toys to auto­mo­bile parts, the major­i­ty of prod­ucts that are mass-pro­duced in the met­al­work­ing indus­try are die cast. Robots have auto­mat­ed the die cast­ing process, and their die cast­ing soft­ware enables them to pos­sess the abil­i­ty to han­dle hot met­al spits, heat, and all lubri­cants in die cast­ing foundries. Dur­ing the process of die cast­ing, in which molten met­al is forced under high pres­sure into a mold cav­i­ty, robots will han­dle all extrac­tion, inser­tion, and ladling. 3D CAD (Com­put­er-Aid­ed Design) robot diecast soft­ware is the pri­ma­ry choice of most manufacturers.

Robot­Ware DieCast was devel­oped by ABB for machine tend­ing and post pro­cess­ing. It boasts easy instal­la­tion with its pre­de­fined machine inter­faces. In fact, ease” is the key word when it comes to Robot­Ware DieCast soft­ware. It is easy to pro­gram and easy to oper­ate with con­stant process control.

The sev­en-step pro­gram­ming wiz­ard allows the user to cre­ate and set up machine tend­ing pro­grams with no need for pre­vi­ous knowl­edge of pro­gram­ming language. 

The sev­en steps are:

  • Name
  • Define grip­per
  • Define cell
  • Define cycles
  • Define each station
  • Define cell path
  • Check and save 

How­ev­er, this soft­ware also invites more expe­ri­enced pro­gram­mers to use RAPID tech­nol­o­gy to change and pro­gram indi­vid­ual stations.

As Robot­Ware DieCast oper­ates, the robot move­ments are dis­played in real time, and error logs as well as sta­tis­tics are appar­ent on screen. The soft­ware cou­pled with machine log­ic enables a com­mu­ni­ca­tion inter­face between the robot and die cast machines. Fur­ther, the advanced Motion Tech­nol­o­gy the soft­ware employs will ensure the robot’s per­for­mance in speed and accuracy.

Some oth­er fea­tures of this robot­ic diecast soft­ware are: user autho­riza­tion, remote con­trol, hot edit, pro­duc­tion sta­tis­tics, event log, struc­tured pro­gram­ming, and safe home run. Safe home run allows the soft­ware to adjust to prob­lems dur­ing pro­duc­tion. If a prob­lem occurs in one area, the soft­ware instructs the robot to con­tin­ue pro­duc­tion around the prob­lem. In the event of a pow­er out­age, the robot will restart at exact­ly the same posi­tion. Safe­ty zones can also be programmed.

Robots​.com col­lab­o­rate with com­pa­nies to deter­mine the right robot and soft­ware for their indus­try needs. If you would like to know more about robot­ic die cast­ing soft­ware, con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881

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