Exhaust and Converters in Ypsilanti, Michigan

Nov 24, 2013

Ypsilanti, Michigan is home to Bosal North America, one of the country’s leading manufacturers of car components. Their business use industrial robots to create high performance exhaust systems, catalytic converters, and other related components through the cutting, welding, and shaving of metal. They have found industrial robots to bring a higher quality weld product that improves their cycle times and lowers their costs overall.


With a name like Ypsi­lan­ti, nick­named Ypsi, it is hard to for­get this small Michi­gan town of less than 20,000. Lying in the south­east­ern part of the state, Ypsi­lan­ti has seen its share of man­u­fac­tur­ing his­to­ry, play­ing an impor­tant role in the huge auto­mo­tive indus­try in Michi­gan. Not only did Apex Motors con­struct the ACE” car in Ypsi­lan­ti from 1920 – 1922, but Pre­ston Tuck­er (mak­er of the Tuck­er 48) also con­struct­ed the pro­to­types for his car in Ypsi­lan­ti, where his fam­i­ly owned the Ypsi­lan­ti Machine Tool Com­pa­ny. Today, Ypsi­lan­ti, Michi­gan has seen its fair share of luck and hard­ship, but there are still man­u­fac­tur­ers in the area serv­ing the auto­mo­tive industry.

Bosal North Amer­i­ca has a loca­tion in Ypsi­lan­ti, MI. Bosal is one of the country’s lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers of high per­for­mance exhaust sys­tems, cat­alyt­ic con­vert­ers and oth­er relat­ed com­po­nents. These types of com­po­nents need to be cut from met­al, weld­ed togeth­er, shaved down and fin­ished before being sent off to the con­sumer. Robots can make those process­es eas­i­er and more affordable.

When com­pa­nies like Bosal choose robot­ic automa­tion to assem­ble and weld their exhaust and con­vert­er com­po­nents, they are choos­ing a sys­tem that will improve their cycle times and low­er their costs over­all. For exam­ple, a robot can weld as quick­ly as four man­u­al welders, while pro­duc­ing supe­ri­or-qual­i­ty welds. This saves the com­pa­ny pro­duc­tion time and labor costs, while also decreas­ing the amount of down­time work­ers need to get the job done. Robot­ic welders can also run vir­tu­al­ly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which fur­ther decreas­es downtime.

If there is a com­pa­ny in Ypsi­lan­ti, Michi­gan that is look­ing to auto­mate their pro­duc­tion process­es, they need to look no fur­ther than Robots​.com in Mar­i­on, Ohio. Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and ABB robot­ics. Our staff will work with you to get you the right new or refur­bished robot sys­tem for your company.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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