Factors affecting robotic clamps

Jan 5, 2014

It is imperative to get the correct end of arm tooling for your production line's success. When looking at robotic clams, the delivery, flexibility, and durability are important factors to look at before deciding on one. Once these characteristics are found and chosen, you will find a great performance and productivity from your robotic clamp.


Sev­er­al char­ac­ter­is­tics affect clamp per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. The real cost of clamps used in end-of-arm tool­ing is depen­dent on fac­tors that have a major effect on pro­duc­tion. While a clamp’s orig­i­nal price is impor­tant, oth­er vari­ables affect pro­duc­tion and reduce the cost of ownership.

First, the time of deliv­ery affects the cost of clamps. Deliv­ery times are essen­tial in any com­pa­ny since they are passed on to the company’s cus­tomers. If the com­pa­ny does not receive clamps in time for a project promised to a cus­tomer, the cus­tomer will be dis­sat­is­fied and will look for busi­ness else­where. Inven­to­ry lev­els are direct­ly relat­ed to deliv­ery time, and savvy com­pa­nies will ensure their stock is replaced in a time­ly manner.

Flex­i­bil­i­ty is the sec­ond fac­tor affect­ing clamps. Clamps should be easy to recon­fig­ure, so that a few stan­dard types can be used for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions. Inter­change­able mounts help the clamp with flex­i­bil­i­ty; side or rear mount is stan­dard in most plants, and some clamps are designed to be changed from a side to a rear or vice ver­sa. Stan­dard jaw styles are also used often; if inter­change­able jaws are used, inven­to­ry can be kept low. Since tips need to be changed more fre­quent­ly than any oth­er part of a clamp, inter­change­able tips are cru­cial. The tip mount­ing design should be sim­ple in order to allow stan­dard or spe­cial­ty tips to be attached eas­i­ly. With an adjustable jaw open­ing, the stan­dard clamp can be adjust­ed to the type of open­ing the appli­ca­tion needs.

Clamp dura­bil­i­ty also has a big impact on cost. Com­pa­nies should invest in clamps that have hard­ened, adjustable impact plates to pro­tect the busi­ness end of a clamp from dam­age, as well as clamps with a hard­ened jaw mech­a­nism so the clamp’s per­for­mance doesn’t suf­fer. All com­po­nents should be com­pat­i­ble with die lubri­cants and oth­er flu­ids to avoid actu­a­tor prob­lems. Final­ly, since mounts are an inte­gral part of a clamp­ing sys­tem, they should be rugged with­out slip­ping or loosening.

Final­ly, a good-qual­i­ty clamp should deliv­er 5 mil­lion or more cycles with a con­stant grip force. The mounts should hold posi­tion with the fas­ten­ers remain­ing tight. Tips and mech­a­nisms don’t show wear, and lubri­ca­tion is not nec­es­sary in the cylin­der or jaw mechanism.

Deliv­ery, flex­i­bil­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty, and a use­ful life are the four main fac­tors to con­sid­er when invest­ing in clamps. Robots​.com can help you choose the right clamp and parts to fit your indus­tri­al robot. Con­tact our rep­re­sen­ta­tives today online or at 8777626881 for more information.

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