Human-Robot Collaboration with the ABB YuMi

Oct 7, 2014

The ABB YuMi robot is a dual-armed collaborative robot, ready to work directly next to human workers without any safety barriers. YuMi by ABB works with incredible precision, making it ideal for industries like consumer electronics. If you are interested in integrating a collaborative robot onto your production line, than contact today to get started with your YuMi by ABB!


ABB Robot­ics has con­tin­ued to push the enve­lope of inno­va­tion again and again dur­ing the 40 years it has exist­ed in the robot indus­try. They have done so again with the devel­op­ment of the ABB YuMi, a dual-armed robot that will allow for eas­i­er col­lab­o­ra­tion between humans and robots.

At first glance, YuMi, which stands for you and me”, looks a lot like a head­less human, which is not quite as gross as it may seem. With dual arms that can work togeth­er or sep­a­rate­ly, YuMi from ABB is able to work with a great lev­el of pre­ci­sion, which makes it a per­fect for the con­sumer elec­tron­ics indus­try. What bet­ter than a robot that is able to assem­ble a por­tion of a cell phone or com­put­er using two hands instead of just one? This could mean bet­ter pre­ci­sion for the small parts assem­bly appli­ca­tion or faster cycle times when the appli­ca­tion only calls for one arm, allow­ing the robot to accom­plish twice as much. The robot is so pre­cise that it can thread a nee­dle, accord­ing to ABB Robotics.

How­ev­er, the dual arms of YuMi are not the only thing that has man­u­fac­tur­ers excit­ed. The ABB YuMi sys­tem is one of the first robots designed to work along­side humans in close prox­im­i­ty. YuMi has sev­er­al sen­sors that allow it to see and feel. It is also out­fit­ted with padded arms, which allow for a soft land­ing if it nudges its human coun­ter­part. This improves the human-robot col­lab­o­ra­tion efforts and does away with caging and oth­er fea­tures once nec­es­sary for robots.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about ABB Robot­ics’ YuMi sys­tem? If so, then you should call Robots​.com pro­vides robots from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent robot­ics com­pa­nies, includ­ing ABB. Our staff will work with you to help you cus­tomize and inte­grate the per­fect sys­tem for your facil­i­ty, whether it be YuMi or anoth­er robot from the ABB line.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881.

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