Humans and Robots Working Together through User Interfaces

Nov 5, 2013

KUKA has created a variety of software programs to help increase the user interface experience. This interface enables a more effective operation and user-friendly production environment.


The user inter­face is where inter­ac­tion between humans and machines occurs. The inter­face allows the user to con­trol the machine for effec­tive oper­a­tion and obtain feed­back from the machine. Graph­i­cal user inter­faces allow users to inter­act with elec­tron­ic devices through graph­i­cal icons and visu­al indi­ca­tors as opposed to text-based indicators.

KUKA offers a wide range of func­tions for the sys­tem soft­ware that will enhance the user inter­face. KUKA. OPC Serv­er tech­nol­o­gy is an open inter­face stan­dard that enables sim­ple data exchange between the devices in the pro­duc­tion area with the PC appli­ca­tions for mon­i­tor­ing and plan­ning. KUKA.UserTEch allows the user to pro­gram robot pro­gram sequences and motion tasks quick­ly and eas­i­ly. KUKA.ExpertTech pro­vides a user inter­face to sim­ply the entry of expert com­mands. KUKA.HMI offers a user-friend­ly inter­face enabling begin­ners to com­plete user inter­faces with a wide range of ani­ma­tion func­tions. KUKA.SmartGUI is a graph­i­cal user inter­face that can be adapt­ed to the spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion requirements. 

Motoman devel­oped the PC-HMI, a cost-effec­tive PC-based user inter­face that pro­vides a cus­tomiz­able option for cus­tomer user inter­face needs. It allows users to con­fig­ure and cus­tomize the screens and infor­ma­tion on the HMI with­out hav­ing to pur­chase devel­op­ment software. 

Fanuc recent­ly pre­sent­ed its iPen­dant, the next gen­er­a­tion in user inter­face tech­nol­o­gy. The iPen­dant is inter­net-ready and allows users to browse the infor­ma­tion avail­able. The graph­ic inter­face is pre­sent­ed in an intu­itive mul­ti-win­dow col­or scheme for easy use. It pro­vides inte­grat­ed help and diag­nos­tics func­tions as well as enhances robot and process data allow­ing instant access to crit­i­cal information.

ABB offers the WS500 graph­i­cal user inter­face. It is high-per­for­mance, high-scal­a­bil­i­ty, and high-con­fig­ura­bil­i­ty for real-time con­trol of process­es. It can be used on both local and remote workstations.

Robots​.com proud­ly sup­plies a large vari­ety of indus­tri­al robots to many types of busi­ness­es. If you are look­ing for a par­tic­u­lar user inter­face, con­tact us today to talk to a rep­re­sen­ta­tive at 8777626881 or reach us online.

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