KUKA Robot History

Nov 29, 2017

KUKA continues to prove its dedication to improve manufacturing lines across the globe with their innovative automation solutions. Since their inception, KUKA robotics has worked hard to satisfy the customer and manufacturers with their improved efficiency and quality product. Contact Robots.com today to start with the integration of your KUKA robotic system.

Kuka robots history

With over 120 years of busi­ness, KUKA (Keller und Knap­pich Augs­burg) has cel­e­brat­ed over a cen­tu­ry of longevi­ty and inno­va­tion. KUKA has pushed advanc­ing tech­nol­o­gy since their start in 1898, when they start­ed as a busi­ness sell­ing afford­able light­ing for hous­es and street lamps. With the takeover of the Bre­men-based engi­neer­ing firm, KUKAs busi­ness real­ly took off and the mar­ket shares were increased for weld­ing and assem­bly sys­tems. The rest is his­to­ry, KUKA now has a work­force around 14,200 and over­all sales of over 3.5 bil­lion euro. 

1973 - The FAMU­LUS is the first robot­ic devel­op­ment from KUKA. The first with six elec­tric motor-dri­ven axes, this robot was a break­through for the auto­mo­tive industry.

1985 - KUKA intro­duces a new Z‑shaped robot arm whose design ignores the tra­di­tion­al par­al­lel­o­gram. It achieves total flex­i­bil­i­ty with three trans­la­tion­al and three rota­tion­al move­ments for a total of six degrees of freedom.

1996 - At the Han­nover Fair, KUKA pre­sent­ed the world’s first PC-based robot con­troller. It was pos­si­ble, for the first time, to move robots in real time using a 6D mouse on an oper­a­tor con­trol device. This teach pen­dant fea­tured a Win­dows user inter­face for con­trol and pro­gram­ming tasks.

1998 — The first heavy-duty robot cre­ates a new class of reach and pay­load com­bi­na­tions. This long-range robot expands the appli­ca­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties of indus­tri­al robots.

1999 — KUKA intro­duces remote diag­no­sis for indus­tri­al robots. This tech­nol­o­gy allowed errors to be cor­rect­ed and elim­i­nat­ed through the Internet.

2000 — The first IEC 611310-com­pli­ant mas­ter PLC and robot sys­tem con­troller is intro­duced by KUKA and includes inte­grat­ed Soft PLC (Pro­gram­ma­ble Log­ic Con­trol). This elim­i­nates the need for an exter­nal mas­ter PLC for indus­tri­al robots.

2003 — The KUKA Robo­coast­er is intro­duced as the world’s first and only pas­sen­ger-car­ry­ing robot. Deter­mined to change the face of the amuse­ment indus­try, this KUKA robot show­cas­es the flex­i­bil­i­ty of indus­tri­al robot motions.

2004 — The intro­duc­tion of RoboT­eams allows mul­ti­ple KUKA robots to work seam­less­ly togeth­er, requir­ing 20% less space. New pro­gram­ming tech­nol­o­gy allows indi­vid­ual robot con­trol. The end result is short­er cycle times, a reduc­tion of need­ed equip­ment, a low­er ini­tial invest­ment, and high­er productivity.

2005 — KUKA devel­ops intel­li­gent Safe Robot tech­nol­o­gy, allow­ing human work­ers to safe­ly enter a pro­tect­ed zone in the work­space of an indus­tri­al robot. Safe Robot forces the robot to halt if a per­son or obsta­cle cross­es its motion path.

2006 - KUKA releas­es a line of light­weight robots that weigh a mere 14kg. Pro­gram­ming is done by hand-guid­ing the robots. Each robot has at least sev­en axes that can be pushed and manip­u­lat­ed by the oper­a­tor. This light­weight robot is the only one that can lift its own weight.

2007 — The heavy duty KUKA KR 1000 Titan is the first indus­tri­al robot with a pay­load capac­i­ty of 1000kg. Con­firmed by the Guin­ness Book of Records, the Titan is intro­duced as the world’s strongest 6‑axis robot. It tar­gets appli­ca­tions in the glass, foundry, and auto­mo­tive industries.

2012 - KUKA launch­es its newest small robot series called KR Agilus.

2013- The first series-pro­duced sen­si­tive robot suit­able for human-robot col­lab­o­ra­tion, is released: LBR” stands for Leicht­bau­ro­bot­er” (Ger­man for light­weight robot), iiwa” for intel­li­gent indus­tri­al work assistant.”

2014- KUKA opened up a new robot pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty in Shang­hai. Also, Reis GmbH & Co. KG Maschi­nen­fab­rik, becomes part of KUKA AG, renam­ing the com­pa­ny KUKA Indus­tries GmbH & Co. KG. Anoth­er acquire­ment was Ale­ma Automa­tion SAS, a Bor­deaux-based sup­pli­er of automa­tion solu­tions for the aero­space indus­try. A big year, there is also the merg­er of KUKA AG and Swiss­log Hold­ing AG. With Swiss­log, KUKA is gain­ing access to par­tic­u­lar­ly attrac­tive growth mar­kets, such as ware­house logis­tics and the health­care industry.

It is an excit­ing time in the indus­tri­al robot­ic busi­ness, KUKA is look­ing for­ward to all that is to come! For more infor­ma­tion con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives today; reach rep­re­sen­ta­tives online or at 8777626881.

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