Lifting With Material Handling Robots

Jan 23, 2016

Material handling robots help to bring strength and productivity on the production line. They are able to take over the heavy duty lifting and relieve the workers from the dangerous and tedious tasks. Facilities that integrate a material handling robot help to reduce errors as well, saving company lots of money and time.

Work­ers han­dle mate­ri­als and prod­ucts in the work­place on a dai­ly basis. When lift­ing box­es or oth­er items, they must be care­ful to lift heavy pieces in a spe­cif­ic way to reduce injury. Oth­er prod­ucts are too large, or awk­ward­ly shaped, mak­ing it impos­si­ble to man­u­al­ly lift. These restraints can slow down the lift­ing process, lim­it­ing how much (if any) can be man­u­al­ly lift­ed at one time mak­ing it the per­fect appli­ca­tion for robot­ic mate­r­i­al han­dling.

material handling robot lifting a wood sign panel

Some facil­i­ties have fork­lifts or cranes that are oper­at­ed to lift mate­ri­als on a larg­er scale – mate­ri­als that humans could not pos­si­bly lift. Robots are stead­ier than the cables on a crane or the forks on a man­u­al lift­ing vehi­cle. They can also per­form a lift­ing task over and over again with con­sis­tent repeata­bil­i­ty, reduc­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of error. How­ev­er, it is com­mon to see these two dif­fer­ent kinds of lifters work­ing togeth­er in a facil­i­ty. A mate­r­i­al han­dling robot­ic sys­tem can pal­letize items and a man­u­al­ly dri­ven fork­lift can move the pal­let away after it is stacked.

Facil­i­ties that auto­mate with mate­r­i­al han­dling robots for their lift­ing needs reduce user error while increas­ing pro­duc­tion and low­er costs. While many mate­r­i­al han­dling robot­ic arms are not able to lift steel beams weigh­ing thou­sands of pounds like a crane would, some heavy pay­load mate­r­i­al han­dling robots can lift over 500 pounds.

There are also sev­er­al dif­fer­ent grip­per options avail­able. Prod­uct mate­r­i­al type, size, shape, and manip­u­la­tion require­ments will deter­mine the type of grip­per required to com­plete the han­dling task. Some prod­ucts can be very small, large, or odd­ly shaped mak­ing them more dif­fi­cult to man­u­al­ly han­dle. Know­ing there are many options to improve speed and pro­tect work­er safe­ty makes robots a great solu­tion for many companies. 

Robots​.com, can inte­grate mate­r­i­al han­dling robot­ics from man­u­fac­tur­ers like Fanuc, Yaskawa Motoman, ABB, KUKA, and Uni­ver­sal Robots. With over 35 years of expe­ri­ence inte­grat­ing mate­r­i­al han­dling robots, our com­pa­ny is a great choice to help you make edu­cat­ed deci­sions for the most effi­cient and cost-effec­tive solution. 

Con­tact us through our con­tact form or call us at 8777626881 for a quick and easy price quote on a mate­r­i­al han­dling robot solution.

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