Making the Transition from Manual to Robotic Assembly

Jul 9, 2013

Assembly robots work tirelessly and efficiently on the production line. It is very important that your transition from manual assembly to automated assembly is done correctly. Be sure to speak with an expert in robotics at in order to make sure that your assembly line is done successfully.


There is noth­ing quite like watch­ing an assem­bly robot work­ing on a line. The tire­less reli­a­bil­i­ty and effi­cien­cy of the robot­ic assem­bly arm is a sight to behold. How­ev­er, these amaz­ing sys­tems don’t just pop into exis­tence. They are not born – they are made.

An assem­bly robot is brought into the world the same way as all oth­er robot arms – design, fab­ri­ca­tion and assem­bly. Engi­neers build the robot from base to wrist, and then con­nect every­thing to the controller.

How­ev­er, it is the tran­si­tion­ing a facil­i­ty from man­u­al to robot­ic assem­bly that can lead a man­u­fac­tur­er to prob­lems and headaches down the road if not done correctly.

The first thing a man­u­fac­tur­er needs to do is fig­ure out what each human work­er is doing on the line dur­ing the assem­bly process, as well as what they do with the parts they assem­ble. Then, while work­ing with engi­neers, the man­u­fac­tur­er needs to fig­ure out how to trans­late that into how a robot would han­dle the parts. Robot assem­blers tend to have dif­fer­ent tol­er­ances than human hands, and also han­dle parts in a dif­fer­ent nature than a human work­er, hence the need for the trans­la­tion process.

Engi­neers will fig­ure out the range of part vari­ables, which will allow the robot to deci­pher the dif­fer­ence between an accept­able and unac­cept­able part. The man­u­fac­tur­er and engi­neers may have to take a look at their end prod­uct and fig­ure out if they have to redesign and rework the way the item is assem­bled before robot­ic assem­blers can take over the process.

Final­ly, man­u­fac­tur­ers need to fig­ure out what end-of-arm-tool­ing works best for their parts. Dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als require dif­fer­ent types of end-of-arm-tooling.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for robot mod­els from Fanuc, Motoman ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA robot­ics, as well as oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers, works with cus­tomers to cus­tomize assem­bly robots to fit their facility’s automa­tion needs. Robots​.com’ high­ly trained staff can work with you to fig­ure out the right robot­ic assem­bly sys­tem for your pro­duc­tion line.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881.

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