New Robots – Busting Out of Factories

Jun 23, 2014

Industrial robots have been helping to improve welding, material handling, and material removal for over 40 years. New robotic systems of the future may also be able to work as bartenders, fry cooks, and perhaps even waitresses. No matter what your job, you can be sure that robots can get the job done.


For more than 40 years, when some­one thought of a robot, they either thought of some­thing on a sci­ence fic­tion movie, or they thought of the robot arms that have been work­ing in fac­to­ries. These indus­tri­al robots have spent decades weld­ing, han­dling mate­r­i­al and remov­ing mate­r­i­al, but now new robots are com­ing onto the scene. While new robot­ic sys­tems do derive their tech­nol­o­gy from those fac­to­ry cousins, they are not being made for fac­to­ry settings.

One of the biggest trends for new robots are ser­vice robots. These robots are being pro­grammed to per­form jobs in the ser­vice indus­try. Think about it – the kiosk at the movies, the self-check­out at the gro­cery store, etc. – these are some of the ways robot­ic sys­tems are enter­ing the ser­vice indus­try. How­ev­er, new robots are even more involved. These new robot­ic sys­tems are work­ing as bar­tenders, fry cooks, and even wait­ress­es in some areas. This means that cus­tomer ser­vice will be more accu­rate than ever, which helps com­pa­nies and keeps cus­tomers happy.

Anoth­er new trend for robots is in health and well­ness. Robots are help­ing the dis­abled and senior cit­i­zens in their homes, and robots can be found in hos­pi­tals as well. A new robot can alert the prop­er author­i­ties if their own­er has fall­en at home or is in trou­ble. Some robots are even mov­ing into the oper­at­ing room in hos­pi­tals to assist or per­form surg­eries. This is not sur­pris­ing because new robots have hands” that do not shake like a human’s may, and, as men­tioned above, they are incred­i­bly accu­rate, which cuts down on pos­si­ble errors.

Of course, all of these new robots got their tech­nol­o­gy from indus­tri­al robots. Many of the new robots are sin­gle or dual-armed, just like those in the indus­tri­al mar­ket, and they uti­lize vision and touch sen­sors like fac­to­ry robots as well. While this can ben­e­fit the ser­vice and health indus­tries, indus­tri­al robots are able to use these tech­nolo­gies to boost the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty for com­pa­nies, which saves them time and mon­ey, and also turns out a qual­i­ty product.

If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about new indus­tri­al robots and their ben­e­fits, con­tact Robots​.com today. Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent robot­ics com­pa­nies, includ­ing Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and ABB. Our staff will work with you to ensure that you have a high qual­i­ty sys­tem that saves you time and mon­ey, while not break­ing the bank on the ini­tial investment.

To learn more, give Robots​.com a call today online or at 8777626881.

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