Packaging frozen foods with Fanuc Packaging Robots

Aug 18, 2013

Fanuc robots help to efficiently pack frozen foods with their packaging robots. The Fanuc packaging robots are coated with special coatings to help protect the robots from the environments they work in.


Robots that were once only used in the auto­mo­bile and oth­er sim­i­lar indus­tries have made a switch over the last decade or so, mov­ing into areas like the food and bev­er­age indus­try. One com­pa­ny, Fanuc, has an entire line of pack­ag­ing robots fit for pack­ag­ing food.

Food man­u­fac­tur­ers are con­stant­ly in search of new ways to auto­mate their food pack­ag­ing sys­tem using robot­ics. These com­pa­nies tend to use robots like the Fanuc spi­der pack­ag­ing robot, a par­al­lel-link robot that has four axes.

Some of the sys­tems used to pack­age these foods, espe­cial­ly frozen foods, are treat­ed with spe­cial coat­ings to help them weath­er the ele­ments they work in, so that the Fanuc robot­ic pack­agers are not dam­aged by the cold. Fanuc pack­ag­ing robots like those in the M series often work in pairs in robot­ic work­cells to pack­age food on pro­duc­tion lines.

Robot­ic Fanuc pack­agers use the Pick­Tool soft­ware to locate bags of frozen fruit and veg­eta­bles on con­vey­ors, the web­site stat­ed. These pack­ag­ing robots can then pick up the frozen foods and place their bags into a case, pack­ag­ing them for trans­port. When these Fanuc pack­ag­ing robot­ic sys­tems work in pairs, one robot will usu­al­ly pick up every oth­er bag, leav­ing the bags that go by for the sec­ond robot to pack­age, keep­ing an exact count so every case gets the same amount.

By using robot­ic pack­agers from Fanuc, man­u­fac­tur­ers in the food indus­try can cut down on work­er error when pack­ag­ing their prod­ucts, which will them boost their rep­u­ta­tion among their customers.

Robots​.com has sev­er­al Fanuc pack­ag­ing robots avail­able for pur­chase and cus­tomiza­tion. Cus­tomers can either pur­chase a sin­gle robot­ic sys­tem for pack­ag­ing, or they can pur­chase one or mul­ti­ple robots to be laid out in a workcell.

For more infor­ma­tion on automat­ing your pack­ag­ing process­es with Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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