Plating and Pumps in Jackson, Michigan

Nov 4, 2013

When it comes to manufacturing products, consider automation your production line with robotics. As seen with the plating and pumps in Jackson, Michigan, industrial robots are increasing the quality of product, while also decreasing the hazardous conditions that workers are exposed to.


The auto­mo­tive indus­try is imprint­ed all over Michi­gan man­u­fac­tur­ing. This holds true in the city of Jack­son, MI, as well as oth­er com­mu­ni­ties around the state. While many auto man­u­fac­tur­ers have moved out of the area in the last cou­ple of decades, there are still man­u­fac­tur­ers hold­ing strong to the ideas of Michi­gan and U.S. made prod­ucts, and these prod­ucts are made with human and robot­ic hands.

When it comes to plat­ing and coat­ing, robot­ics can do it bet­ter than any­thing else. Com­pa­nies like Elm Plat­ing Com­pa­ny in Jack­son, Michi­gan, that per­form plat­ing coat­ing, anodiz­ing and heat treat­ing ser­vices can ben­e­fit from robot­ic automa­tion because they can save not only time but also pro­duc­tion mate­r­i­al costs. When robots coat met­al work pieces, they spray effi­cient­ly and even­ly, which min­i­mizes waste, sav­ing the com­pa­ny mon­ey. Also, by using robots in the spray­ing areas, humans are removed from fumes that can be tox­ic and cause res­pi­ra­to­ry or brain issues.

Keep­ing with the auto­mo­tive theme, Melling, a man­u­fac­tur­er for the trans­porta­tion indus­try, has an in-house foundry that could ben­e­fit high­ly from robot­ic automa­tion. Foundries have high heat envi­ron­ments that can be detri­men­tal to the health of human work­ers. As men­tioned above, the use of robots can min­i­mize the amount of expo­sure work­ers have to the heat and humid­i­ty, which improves the health and work envi­ron­ment for work­ers, while also cut­ting down on down­time from acci­dents or injuries.

So, when Jack­son, MI com­pa­nies want to inte­grate automa­tion into their work­places, where should they turn? They can turn to Robots​.com in Mar­i­on, Ohio. Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from ABB, Motoman, Fanuc, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA robot­ics. They have part­ner­ships that give them access to hun­dreds of robot mod­els and designs, allow­ing them to find the per­fect sys­tem to suit any customer’s budget.

For more infor­ma­tion on Robots​.com or robot­ic inte­gra­tion, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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